The long weekend was a blessing in disguise. I didn’t make any plans because the weather forecast was expected to be torrential rain and heavy winds. In fact, I wanted to do absolutely nothing—which is hard for me—with the exception of doing at least one productive thing.
And it turned out to be the perfect balance of rest and recreation.
I have been journaling like mad lately. There’s something about it that is so therapeutic and healing because I ended up hand making a couple of notebooks, and sewed a plastic bag dispenser. I’ve really gotten into bullet journaling which is a whole science on its own, but it’s flexible and forces me to step away from my laptop or smartphone, and just write, with a little bit of order than my usual long form writing.
Sailboat Sleepovers
Ian and I try to make it out to the SV Tipsea at least once a month for a sleepover. Ian is usually doing maintenance on the boat, and I’ll kick my feet up with a book and read until we prepare a simple dinner and watch a movie in bed. This weekend, the inclement weather meant a lot of patching up leaks, rocking back and forth in the berth, and waking up to the sound of extra strong gusts of wind howling into the harbor. Surprisingly though, I didn’t get seasick and I was in my most relaxed state all weekend while reading and writing on the SV Tipsea.
Fogama’a Beach
For the Presidents Day holiday, the dark clouds seemed to take a break and we shot off to the beach last minute and asap. It was still overcast, but we trekked over to Fogama’a Cove and made it look like the sun was shining. We snorkeled out to wander the reefs, waved over to the NPS boats outside of the cove, drank fresh niu, and took photos. I thought I wanted nothing more than to be lazy this weekend but I should have known that a little ocean therapy was what I really needed.