WE MOVED! First week in California
This pacific island girl has moved to the California coast! And my life looks wildly different than it did last year. Heck, it's a stark contrast from my life just a few months ago. Some big milestones and life goals were met -- wowowee -- and there are even bigger...
AmSam crew in Hawaii
Met up with some of our AmSam friends during our layover in Hawai’i. I love that our connection to our AmSam crew is so strong because of our shared experiences in Samoa. Time and space may have separated us over the years but we’ve had such an amazing community, and...
Life Lately: 5 months of change and evolution
Helloooo there. It's meeeee. Nerelleeeee. It has been a hoot of a while — and I have missed this space of mine to document my ever-changing life, romanticizing it in a way, and to express my gratitudes in words and images. A summary of the most inexplicably changing...
Underwater Mama
Black and white edits of some maternity pics that Ian shot of me at almost 32 weeks pregnant with Alava. And some random color edits I liked as well of most of the same pics.
Coconut Point sunrise with Alava
It felt so good to be back home. Everything was just as it was. Except it wasn't. Same same but different. Coconut Point. Sunrise. Me and Ian. Different how? We have been joined by our sweet darling baby Alava. We moved out of our place at Coconut Point, the cutest...
Living proof in the tropics
A throwback to an undeniably gorgeous day in Tutuila. My new yellow LifeProof FRĒ case arrived in the mail and it was the perfect day to break it out for an outdoor ocean adventure. I packed my snorkel and mask in our wet bag, along with some bevvies and my pole...
Maternity shoot x Alafaga
My best friend gifted me with some of the best memories as a soon to be mama. I’ll always look back at these photos and remember all the weekly bumpdates you made me do when I wasn’t feeling it, all the apple waters you fetched for me when I was at my most potato-y,...
Favorites from my Samoa baby moon camera roll
More pics from my babymoon in beautiful Samoa.
You, Me, and our baby moon
After an eventful first few days in Samoa for our combined girls trip, Ian and I were in full-on baby moon mode. We settled in to our cozy AirBnB beach fale at Maninoa and planned a couple activities to take advantage of our time on the south side of the island. We...
Giant Clams are GIANT
A gallery from our babymoon excursion to Savaia, Samoa, where they have a giant clam sanctuary. Ian and I always try to visit whenever we're in Samoa to see how the clams are faring, and enjoy whenever we're on the south side of the island. We paid our entrance fee to...
Baby Moon in Samoa
Flashback to a few months ago... My life was looking and feeling way too busy that I wasn't really able to enjoy even being pregnant throughout my second trimester. I had more energy and was feeling more "normal" — thankfully. But that actually made me work harder...
A Tropical Beachy Baby Shower
10.10.2022 I feel soooo lucky to call this place home, surrounded by some of the best friends a gal could ask for! My girlfriends planned this tropical beachy baby shower for me, Ian, and baby Moffitt. My only request was for it to be a co-ed event so our village of...
Inspiration in the midst of chaos
Life has been busy, and there has been some moments of reprieve, surely. BUT it's about to get a lot more chaotic. With a baby on the way, life is about to change forever. I'm trying to manage my emotions, my expectations, and my pregnancy symptoms which are all...
Yes, I’m a Baby Mama
At this point, it's "old news" but since I've not been able to get on my blog for a long while, it's "new news" on here... I'm pregnant! Yes, I'm a Baby Mama! I am now in my third trimester, and gobsmacked at how fast the time has flown, but also wondering if the next...
Website is back up!!
Oh. My. God. Finally. My website somehow got hacked and was infected with malware and phishing codes (?!) and thus got suspended. I have no idea how it happened, but when it went down, I thought...that's it. My website is gone forever. I spent a long time working with...
This rainy day is temporary
This rainy day is temporary The contrast is why we got ’em ‘Cause sunshine due is just a cloud away... — Pharrell Williams Pics from a rainy few days at home last week, May 13, 2022.
This is 30.
On March 18, 1992, an angel descended upon Earth in the form of a little girl, and her name was Nerelle... Hahaha, just kidding! It's been three decades of life in this human body. I am beyond blessed to reflect upon my thirty years, and utter daily gratitudes that I...
Amouli Beach Camping (and Journaling)
I haven't gone camping on island since we came back earlier this year, so I was an immediate 'yes' when a friend asked if Ian and I wanted to join a small group of friends for camping at Amouli over the long weekend. The Amouli Beach Fales is a small family-run...
Sewing in the studio
Designing some new pieces. Trying to do math. Pulling out a an assortment of fabrics. Measuring if I have enough for each project. Cutting pieces. Spooling thread on the bobbin. Making a mess.
Creative Journal Log
Journal spread from this past weekend. I've been having so much fun doing these daily creative journals. See more of my creative journaling on IG
I designed and made my Dream Tote Bag!
Hello hello! I have been busy in the studio the last couple of months. I love that since coming back from my travels, I feel much more creatively inspired. Sooo back story: I have made tote bags for myself for a very long time. I think the first time was shortly after...
Pondering on Paper
...outside in nature. I love soaking up the ambient sounds of home. I will forever love this backyard. * turn on volume for a sense of what it's like 🙂
Yes I’m still here!
Ahh yellowww... hi there. I know I've been M.I.A. for a while, but I'm still here! It's been a long while since I've really sat down to catch up on my blog. I've been living offline a lot more these last few weeks since coming back home to the island. Heck, even when...
LA Christmas prep
12.09.2021 — A few days after we arrived in Los Angeles, Ian and I got in the Christmas spirit. My in-laws usually host a big family dinner on Christmas Eve, and me being a lover of festive holiday decorations, we got to work early to put up the Christmas tree and...
Lunch at Alcove Cafe
12.26.2021 — The sun finally came out in Los Angeles. We went for a long walk down to Ventura Boulevard and stopped for a late lunch at Alcove Cafe. I ordered the pan roasted salmon salad and it was probably the best salad I've had in my mini food tour of Los Angeles...
You are an explorer
This mood board is pretty much exactly my mood the last two weeks. Lately I've been doing a lot of art journaling, scrapbooking, collaging... whatever it's called. It's been a meditative thing for me to do daily; rummaging through my piles of scraps, stickers, and...
Flight to LA
I am never not taking photos out the window whenever I fly/travel. Pics from my iPhone camera roll December 7, 2021.
The first taste of travel
I'm a pisces, and I guess one of the traits my star sign is known for is that pisces can sometimes be escapists. I suppose in this way, I am in constant need of a break, a vacation, a sort of temporary sanctum to let my soul rest and reset. Two years of this pandemic...
Back from a long vacation (a journal entry)
Hello and Taaaaalofa! I'm back in American Samoa now, waiting out my government mandated quarantine at the Fatu O Aiga quarantine facility. It's strange not being allowed to go outside really and being in a "real" lockdown. I'm currently on day 12 of 14, and I've...
Last night at home for a while
In 24 hours I'll be on a plane... Up up and away from home after 2 years since COVID canceled all my travel plans indefinitely. Everyone keeps asking "are you ready?" and "are you excited?" and I'm like hmmm, yes and no to both. I'm beyond excited to finally go on...

AmSam crew in Hawaii
Met up with some of our AmSam friends during our layover in Hawai’i. I love...

Random pic I took of Gabs in her backyard sometime last year 2022. Such a mood.

We sold all our stuff at the Rotaract x Moso’oi Fest Swap Meet
We decluttered our house in prep for our baby girl, and sold a bunch of stuff...

Climate Change is not just an issue that is happening to us, it’s happening...

Favorites from my Samoa baby moon camera roll
More pics from my babymoon in beautiful Samoa.

It's the heart in the sky for me.

mama and dada

You. Me. We.
I can't wait for it to be us three. Throwback to my first trimester... I was...
"There has never been a sadness that can't be cured by breakfast foods." - Ron...

Not cute
but this is real life hermit crab homebody vibes in pregnancy. I spent this...

pool day for Ian. Just him though because it’s much too cold for regular...

I adore my niece and nephew. And I adore that my husband is adored by my niece...

desert palms + desert rain
still not used to this — I sometimes wish I was back home in the comfort of my...

Library day
I can’t wait to take my kid to the library — I hope she likes reading like me...

Desert Rose

34.2 weeks
a special day together — deep and difficult conversations about our future...

Babymoon camera roll
I’m reliving these precious moments and memories from my babymoon. Slowing...

On the cusp of something new and beautiful
Grateful for this man, our baby on the way, and the journey that led us to here.

Scrap journaling with Scruffles
Throwback to scrap journaling and Officer Scruffles getting in the way, but...

Website is back up!!
Oh. My. God. Finally. My website somehow got hacked and was infected with...
Featured Story
20 ways to live more sustainably
Every day is Earth Day! Which is why I wanted to share some things I’m doing as I progress towards a more sustainable lifestyle. Here are my 20 ways to be kinder to our environment.