Apr 20, 2022 | Journal, Lifestyle
On March 18, 1992, an angel descended upon Earth in the form of a little girl, and her name was Nerelle…
Hahaha, just kidding!
It’s been three decades of life in this human body.
I am beyond blessed to reflect upon my thirty years, and utter daily gratitudes that I was born and raised in a loving home, surrounded by amazing people from all walks of life, and that in the three decades past, I have grown into who I am now… A silly, awkward, divine, and multi-faceted woman with a penchant for creative expression, and a deep appreciation for the beauty of my natural environment.
I am now no longer complete without my soul mate — my husband — and I mean this in the most loving way, while still being a strong independent woman. I’m thankful to have him by my side, walking this Earth with me. We are living our best lives, taking it day by day, and writing the chapters of our life together.
These photos were taken by my husband as the sun rose on the morning of my birthday. My best friend Gabs, who is an incredible professional photographer, offered to take photos for my birthday morning. I love her photos and I shared a few over on my instagram, but wanted to share some on here that my husband took because I think it’s cool seeing myself through his lens… and he’s right, I am hot!
LOL – ok I’ll stop now!
Hope you have an excellent day, week, and life 😉
xoxo, Nerelle
Mar 24, 2020 | Lifestyle, Travel
This is Ian, and I’ll be doing my very first guest appearance on Relli’s epic blog! I went to Ofu for work at the end of 2019 to fix a repeater tower and swap out some temperature loggers in Ofu’s Toaga lagoon. On my second to last day, I took out the GoPro and snagged a few pics. Hope you enjoy them.
Impending low tide; Not a bad place to be stuck.
I managed to squeeze through the cracks in the reef to get back to the ranger station before dark.
NPS has temperature loggers near some of these corals. We use this data to look at how temperature contributes to changes in the ecosystem over time. Parts of Toaga lagoon are notorious for getting super hot, and harboring remarkably thermotolerant corals.
Classic. Gotta give Relli mad props for making this shot look as good as it does. Lovin the lightroom skillzzz!
The high density and biodiversity of corals in Toaga Lagoon acts as a refugia for many species of fish. Acanthurus triostegus, Chlorurus frontalis, and Acanthurus guttatus are particularly prevalent.
It’s beginning to look a lot like a Christmas tree worm…Sorry, I had to.
Relli always loves these little Chromis viridis, so I always try and snag some pics of them when she’s not around. So pretty!
this is nerelle – i loved this post! who all thinks ian should post more on the blog?! me for sure! oh andi just wanted to point out that this is ian’s second time posting on my blog. his first post was after we got engaged: https://nerelle.com/the-other-side-of-the-proposal/
Jan 26, 2020 | Moments
A lovely set up with great people at the treehouse for Ian’s birthday celebrations.

pc: Aerie T.
Oct 5, 2019 | Lifestyle, Travel
Samoa photo journal with my fiance in late August/early September 2019.
Visiting potential wedding venues for our big day next year. I blogged about the different venues too here.
Look at this man! He’s gonna be my husband :O
Took Ian to the Togitogiga waterfalls, and his first reaction is of course to jump right in!
I’m still a bit scarred from my last waterfall adventure back in American Samoa (you can read that story here) so me and the camera stayed dry for this waterfall adventure.
Ian is constantly falling (in love with me all over again hahah)
A much needed stop for snacks at Seabreeze Resort, waiting for our next venue appointment.
Stayed south side in this cute beach cabin.
Ian looking dreamy as ever.
Me at the beach of the venue we decided on.
Yup, we’re getting married on this very beach next year, and I’m pumped!
I had no idea they had goats in Samoa until this trip, and we drove down Cross Island Road and spotted this guy and several others.
Me running around the like a little motu girl.
In love with this pier, but it just wasn’t meant to be.
Mandatory trips to To Sua ocean trench for saltwater/freshwater dips, and laying out in the sun.
This handsome guy and our dinner (paper plate wrapped in foil filled with teri chicken and mac salad, and ice cold niu with a paper straw) at the first night of the Teuila Festival in Apia town.
Feb 18, 2019 | Lifestyle
I have been craaaaving days like these – bright skies and clear waters.
On Friday we SUP’ed out to the break. Small glassy waves called for Ian. He caught clean little lines and kept asking if he could go back out; I laughed and told him to go. I jumped in the water to cool off.
I’m always so much more appreciative of my landscape when I’m out on the water looking back and seeing it big picture. Like it’s crazy to think my life and my little home has anything to do with what I’m seeing out here, but it’s all interconnected. I don’t know how to explain it. Deep water and tall mountains tend to make me feel this way.

Feb 9, 2019 | Lifestyle
From furlough mornings, basking in the warm sunrise at Coconut Point with my guy and our Yodi girl. It was almost completely flat in the lagoon and the waves were small and glassy. Ian went SUP surfing and Yodi followed him out past the waves for an hour while I hung out on shore reading and snapping pics of them on their way in. Can’t help but love on this moment – sun kissed and puppy kisses.
Apr 13, 2018 | Lifestyle, Moments
The weekend before Paolo said tofā soifua American Samoa.
Pua trees surf session looking dreamy at 7am, and my camera was all misty from the morning air.
Photos from before and after their surf because I was shooting videos in between.