Snorkeling at To’aga Beach – Part 1

Snorkeling at To’aga Beach – Part 1

The underwater marine life in Ofu is just beyondddd!

I have amassed quite a few photos of fish and coral during our 2 weeks in Ofu. I’m constantly dazed and amazed at To’aga beach and the National Park of American Samoa on Ofu island.

Here’s part 1 of snorkeling photos.

(View more underwater photos here)

I’m still trying to ID all the different fish and coral, so if you know any of these, please let me know in the comments below!

fire coral

Strongylura incisa – needlefish

Oxymanacanthus longirostris

fire coral of some sort

Acanthurus triostegus / Acanthurs guttatus

Chrysyptera taupou

Porites coral

Acanthurus triostegus – convict tang

Porites coral

Acanthurus nigricans / Acanthurus nigroris / Ctenochaetus striatus / Halichoeres hortulanus

Acanthurus guttatus / acanthurus striatus / 

christmas tree worm 

fire coral

Acanthurus triostegus – convict tang


Chlorurus frontalis

Porites cylindrica??


Passing through Olosega

Passing through Olosega

Olosega is another island that is part of the Manu’a group, and is separated from Ofu island by the Asaga Bridge. We biked from Vaoto Lodge to the Asaga Bridge, and decided to walk the sandy roads Olosega village on foot because I was weary of dogs. It was still Christmas break and the small village seemed pretty quiet. I made note of Mati’s store which is the only one in Olosega. We waved to few people and avoided the barking dogs. By the time we got to the Oge Trail, it was just past noon and we were almost out of water. We kept going for a little bit and admired the view of Ofu-Olosega and their unique landscape before heading back to into the village towards Mati’s store for water.