Mar 15, 2020 | Moments
I miss seeing myself through my own lens…
Going to make more of an effort to document the in between moments this week while on home quarantine. It will be driven by all the little things that make my heart sing, like the steam from the kettle, the light shining through the window, the way the birds chirp in the morning, the smell of the books on the shelves, and the slow movements when I observe myself through the mirror. This was a terrible effort from today, but it was still a reason to pick up my camera again and sit in front of it after snorkeling and stand up paddle boarding in the afternoon sun baking until crispy.

Oct 21, 2018 | Moments, Sustainable Living
Crocheting a small jute scouring pad to try eliminating store bought sponges.

Bags to carry goods on errands.

A grocery haul.

Full dinner ingredients from local CSA bag by Superstar Produce.

Galoshes I thrifted for $7, perfect for this rainy weekend.

Our sun-bleached `ava bowl. The after photo, conditioned and buffed with homemade wood butter.

The view I’ll never stop appreciating. My body waking me up before 6am all weekend.

Officer Scruffles sleeping in. My morning is better spent journaling and sipping matcha.

Food prep station on the island we made years ago.

A cat and his cat daddy. Both cutie kitties.

A colorful dinner plate with django salsa Dusty and Mai made. But having the space to only eat the carbs and save the salad for lunch tomorrow.

Apr 2, 2018 | Moments

“Quiet doesn’t need to mean boring or unfulfilling, it doesn’t show that you’re any less hard working or any less deserving of special opportunities, it just means that things have changed, your list of priorities are different to others and as always, those differences are what makes you beautiful.” – Megan Ellaby
Mar 25, 2018 | Journal, Lifestyle, Moments
And I’m mostly speaking to myself here…
1. Treat Yo’ Self.
This is a big one… so it’s the first one here. Do nice things for yourself. Take yourself out on a date. Indulge every now and then in what makes you happy. But also, realize that self-care means doing your taxes, working out, washing the dishes right after dinner instead of stockpiling it for tomorrow evening, updating your resume, staying up late to work on a passion project.
2. Your friends will change.
It’s bound to happen. We’re all shooting stars in an expanse and we all have varying trajectories in life. Another analogy because I’m feeling analogous. Friendship is like skincare. Keep the ones that are organic and keep you hydrated and full of life, and let go of the toxic. Ban microplastics, ya feel me? More on why in the next lesson.
3. Because you will change.
You’re living and learning, just like everyone else. If you stayed the same your whole life, you’d be one boring person. Know that change is good, and so important. Change happens.
4. Learning outside of school is more important than ever.
School doesn’t teach you everything. I’ve learned more about my field of study outside of the classroom and in the workplace. Theories are great, but experience is more practical. Plus, you’ll find what you really love if it’s something you seek out on your own and not something that is taught to you in a curriculum.
5. You are somebody that matters.
In life, you’re your own boss. You get to make decisions that have an impact on your life; and that matters. And whether it’s family, or friends, or strangers that you have something in common with, your decisions have an effect on others too. So yes, you matter!
6. Family is forever.
Friends may not stick around when you’re in the dumps, but if you’re fortunate enough (and I’m so grateful that I am) your family is always going to be there for you. They are your God-given besties. Even if you have a difference in opinions, even if you quarrel about little things. They’re irreplaceable. Tell them you love them.
7. Everything else is temporary.
Like the old adage goes, this too shall pass. Anger, disappointment, and grief are emotions we can’t avoid. You will recover, in time. There’s beauty in impermanence.
8. Rediscover your home.
Be a tourist in your own backyard. See it with new eyes everyday. Try something different. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by what you find.
9. Make lists.
Of anything and everything. To do lists. Goals. Dream logs. Books to read. Movies to watch. Places you want to travel. Reference them often, and tick them off when you’ve achieved something. Watch how far you grow in tiny bullet points.
10. Don’t look for relationships.
When you look for something, you have an idea in mind of what you’re looking for. Expectations might exceed what you come across in reality. So let relationships happen organically. Unexpected relationships are my favorite, and that’s the one you’ll end up with.
11. You’re human.
Be a good one. Make mistakes and treat others how you want to be treated. Realize that the world is a stage and everyone is part of the play, and you’re all human.
12. Sharpen your skillsets.
Nothing stays sharp without going through grindstone. A pencil, a knife, eyebrows on fleek. You have to work at it: sharpen it, hone it, smooth those edges. Even if you’re good at something, shed the doubt in your mind, and challenge yourself.
13. Go outside.
Let the ocean soothe you, the sun excite you, the jungle mystify you. Do you remember how happy you were to be buried in sand at the beach? Why keep yourself trapped in a box when you can sate your curious mind and roam freely.
14. People might not get you.
And that’s completely okay. Be a diamond in a world full of squares. The sooner you realize this, the better. Just be you.
15. Stop comparing yourself to others.
I mean it’ll happen. We all do it at some point in time. But please please please, don’t dwell on comparisons. Instead, draw inspiration from what appeals to you. Make a vision board. Then live your life!
16. Do something that scares and excites you.
How can you tell you’re alive? Because your heart is beating. So I suppose you should do whatever makes your heart beat fast.
17. Have a healthy disrespect for the status quo.
If we all abided by the status quo, there would never be any progress. Learn about the history of why things are. Challenge the current state of things. Participate in conversations. Then decide.
18. Disconnect and declutter often.
Close the instagram app and shut your laptop when you don’t remember what you started looking for but you’re 10 pins too far from that DIY project you were never going to do in the first place. Yes it gets that bad; refer to lesson #15 and #9. Make a list and get organized. Clear your space and clear your mind. You’ll feel so much better when you take control of your life.
19. Create the life you want to live.
It’s hard to achieve your dream lifestyle if you don’t get off your bum and create it for yourself.
20. Make it count.
Life isn’t about success or riches or fame. Life is about learning, doing the things that excite you. Helping others.
21. Use what you have first.
Don’t wait until you have all the ‘proper’ supplies to start. Just start using whatever you have. You’ll have a deeper sense of accomplishment when you start off simply.
22. Expect nothing. Appreciate everything.
This has been my life’s motto thus far, and it’s truly made me happier and more grateful.
23. Less is more.
Need I say more?
24. Laugh out loud.
Laughter is a universal language. Humor is in the accents. Life is so good, but it’s also crappy at times. Make a joke about it. Smile your goofy crooked smile. Be light and easy on yourself.
25. Work towards your goals.
And I mean you have to work really really really hard to do this. Smash them; achieve your full latent potential.
26. Do it right now.
You’ll thank yourself later!

Mar 18, 2018 | Lifestyle, Moments
Before today ends, I just want to share how incredibly grateful I am for these 26 years of living. From the sweet treats by my coworkers, to scuba diving a new site and getting buzzed by a turtle, hammocking on the beach with friends, listening to live music, getting gifted with pearls, a donation to my fave nonprofit, and the adventure fund, and a super rad Earth Day Everyday shirt from Ian (and designed by his talented coworker Valentine), all the back rubs and TLC from my main squeeze, ahhh and eating way too much good food… This weekend has been absolutely exceptional!
Plus, we officially booked our Puerto Rico leg of our May trip and got confirmation from our great friends that they’ll be meeting us there!! I’m thrilled for a new year of growth, learnings, and adventures!

Photo credit: Ian M – My boo, my babe. The best boyfriend and support system in the whole dang world. I’m blessed to have such a cutie pizzle. ❤️
Feb 27, 2018 | Lifestyle, Moments
To bring back the good old Tumblr vibes.
To record the little snippets of life.
To keep me writing candidly (without feeling the need to edit myself so much).
To keep my blog more active.
To share my favorite little memories.
To get photos off my camera roll.
To express myself.
To revisit later on.
To remember.
PS- I made a new section on my site called Moments.
might change the name of the page later on but this is where I’ll be posting more frequently and casually.
Expect a lot of throwbacks on there!