Quarantine Diaries: After telework hours

Quarantine Diaries: After telework hours

Photos taken on Monday, March 16, 2020.

After a very productive day of working from home… warmed up leftover adobo chicken, gulped water super quickly, tried catching up on last month’s book club read, and went outside to watch the flying foxes (wishing I had a telephoto lens for my sony) go by and the sun go down. The sky was as beautiful as any other day but I felt different watching it. I felt more… full. I was soothed by it. It may be because I’d been at home for 4 days straight, but I’m keen to keep feeling this way, quarantine or not.

Quarantine Diaries: Sun and salt

Quarantine Diaries: Sun and salt

Quarantine photo diary: From 03.15.2020

Ian and I wanted to get out of the house and move our bodies. The tide was at high noon, so I lathered up in reef safe sunscreen and put on a large hat for extra SPF. Ian picked up our paddle boards, and we head to the mostly empty beach.

We had to check first. We wouldn’t have gone if there were lots of people around… social distancing at work.

After much excitement and barking, we decided to let Yodi come with us. It was her first swim in about a month! She has just a few more days to go to complete her heart worm medication before we can start re-introducing her to higher levels of activity. She was a total champ, and only used moderate energy when she jumped in the water for a swim. She seemed to know that she wasn’t supposed to be swimming too much too hard, so she got back on the board after a few minutes at a time. She looked so happy!

Last week, we had record setting hot temperatures in American Samoa… 92 degrees. The king tides (meaning higher high tides and lower low tides) also occurred at the same time. The reef flat was exposed to the scorching midday sun so I was nervous to see how the coral looked when we jumped in to cool off. Thankfully, it didn’t look too bad! There was definitely some bleaching in the shallower flats, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed they stay resilient for the rest of the summer.

What are you doing for your quarantine weekends?


Making more of an effort to pick up my camera

Making more of an effort to pick up my camera

I miss seeing myself through my own lens…

Going to make more of an effort to document the in between moments this week while on home quarantine. It will be driven by all the little things that make my heart sing, like the steam from the kettle, the light shining through the window, the way the birds chirp in the morning, the smell of the books on the shelves, and the slow movements when I observe myself through the mirror. This was a terrible effort from today, but it was still a reason to pick up my camera again and sit in front of it after snorkeling and stand up paddle boarding in the afternoon sun baking until crispy.