who i am what i do & why i do it

My name is Nerelle

I’m a lifestyle photographer, blogger, and web designer with a lot of hobbies, which is why I believe that I am more than just any one thing. I’m passionate about art, the ocean, and sustainable living. I enjoy my full time job as a science communications and outreach coordinator, and in my spare time, taking on fun projects as a freelance creative. Whether it’s a new country or my backyard, I love to travel and explore. I equally love staying in and getting cozy in bed to watch movies with my best friend. You’ll likely find me with my camera or a journal, documenting my adventures. Thanks for being here!


Photography has always been a great love of mine. In fact, I started blogging nearly 10 years ago because I wanted to share my photos online in a dynamic portfolio. My work has evolved over the years, and I’ve learned and grown so much in life through it. I specialize in lifestyle photography and draw inspiration from nature and . To me, it’s the moments that matter most. My favorite sessions are ones where I can capture the in-between moments, evoke emotions, and concepts in an artistically visual way.


I am a self taught web designer. Like any other nerdy millennial, I spent some time during my younger years playing around with MySpace layouts and Tumblr customizations, and learned basic HTML and CSS that way. I’m still learning every day to build up my technical skills.


I love when a brand reflects an honest personality! My background in Business Marketing and Design has trained me eye for creative branding. I love helping people with their brand identity, whether it’s a logo, branding kit, website, or product design, and brainstorming ideas to build and scale sustainably.

My favorite things

Beach days. Making lists. Drinking matcha turmeric lattes. Belly laughter. Quality time with my husband. Good reads. Yodi & Officer Scruffles. Stretching. Delicious home cooked meals on my balcony. Waking up to birds chirping. Celestial movements. Snorkeling. Stand up paddle boarding. A clean and cozy home. New cultural experiences. 

Home sweet home

I was born and raised in the beautiful islands of American Samoa, my personal slice of paradise.

I currently live in a charming apartment with my hunk of a husband and our two furbabies. One of these days, I’d be down to try living on a sailboat, or in a mobile tiny house. But my ultimate dream is to buy a home and land that I can call my own, where I’d spend all my days reading, gardening, blogging, crafting, and dancing with my love.


I’d describe myself as

A young old soul
Purveyor of island vibes
Bag lady
Cat lady in denial
Friend of the Earth
Extroverted introvert

Wonder. More than anything, I want to make the moments count. Life is beautiful in all its forms, and I am constantly at awe and inspired by the beauty that surrounds us. When there are no words to describe it. Come wonder with me.

Wander. We all get lost sometimes, but I believe that to wander is to roam with intention. I strive to navigate the unknowns in this way, and I would love to capture you on your journey. Go and grow. Let’s wander together.


Email me at hello@nerelle.com, or leave me a message here!



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