The Morning Of the Wedding
I wish I took more photos, but I swear, getting married – or more specifically, having a wedding – is one of those things that just builds and builds and builds, and then you blink, and the moment you’ve been working towards is over. Thankfully, my love for Ian stands the test of time, and I always appreciate even the smallest moments in our daily lives. I still wish I could replay all these little details though from the day we made our love official official!
These are photos from the morning, right before we got married.
My amazing bridesmaids and bridesbro, most of whom couldn’t be there, no thanks to coronavirus and the borders having been closed since March 2020, pooled together a lovely gift for me and Ian… a stay at this AirBnB for the night before we got married. American Samoa has limited AirBnBs, but this one is deffffinitely the nicest one out here. Our little wedding crew joined us for our last night as single individuals. The sunrise the next morning was divine. Ian and I took time to write our vows. We popped some champagne and had mimosas. Our friends made us breakfast while we got ready. And they showed us a sweet video compilation of all our friends and family abroad sending well wishes.