Jun 11, 2019Moments

It’s raining right now and I’m making a mental note to self that I need an outdoor shower in my future home lol

googles how to build a house


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DDW Breakfast with Gabs

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Lifestyle Travel

Travel Diary: New Years in Samoa

Ringing in the New Year 2018 with a weekend getaway trip to Samoa. Sun, surf, sand, and a whole lot...

Adding space

Ian's new tools already coming in clutch! Tonight he put up this long shelf that spans the entire wall in...
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You, Me, and our baby moon

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Processed with VSCO with s3 preset

Cat out of the closet

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Meet Photography

Meet Aidan King

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Lifestyle Travel

Snorkeling at To’aga Beach – Part 1

The underwater marine life in Ofu is just beyondddd! I have amassed quite a few photos of fish and here's...

Ian caught this Dascyllus aruanus

at Coconut Point and here we're transporting it to the National Parks office for their new aquarium exhibit.

Ian's got the best laugh

How we prepare for a tropical cyclone in American Samoa

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Culture Lifestyle

Pacific Roots Open Mic #12

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the weekend. It feels like ages since I've had a proper weekend to unwind from routines. Probably because the last...
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Following Tilali Into the Blue

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Moments Photography Travel

Travel Diary: On the beach in the Dominican Republic

You wouldn’t believe how blue are the waters of Dominican Republic. My eyes floated from the shallow aquamarine hues to...

Off season in Rincon | Puerto Rico Travel Diary

There isn't much to do in Rincon, Puerto Rico during the low season. So we enjoyed a quiet escape in...
Lifestyle Moments

26th. Always Grateful.

Before today ends, I just want to share how incredibly grateful I am for these 26 years of living. This...