Sep 1, 2021Moments


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Mood Board

You are an explorer

This mood board is pretty much exactly my mood the last two weeks. Lately I've been doing a lot of...

yesterday we went out on the boat for the annual whale surveys conducted by Dr. Jooke and Dave Mattila. Unfortunately...

LIFE: Scuba diving Hole in the Reef and travel plans

Scuba diving at Hole in the Reef, and my BCD broke!! Summer 2017 travel has been booked. And hosting travel...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Quarantine Diaries: Saving money during coronavirus frenzy

The coronavirus is causing catastrophe across the world... on the vein of financial impacts, I’ve luckily been able to save...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Throwback – Christmas Day Paddle

Logging this one here for the mems. Christmas day paddling all around the front beach and out past the reef...

Vibin’ out to my e-book

Journal Lifestyle Moments

Yes I’m still here!

Ahh yellowww... hi there. I know I've been M.I.A. for a while, but I'm still here! It's been a long...
Lifestyle Moments Photo Diaries

Life Lately: a lengthy one, but a good one

Six years with my soon-to-be-husband, new camera lens, work work work, making my own clothes, Ian's new board rack, and...
Journal Lifestyle Moments

Life Lately: Balance and making time to blog for myself

I'm here and there these days. Lots of busy-ness, even in this small island life. Looked through some old posts...

Life Lately: I revamped my site / in a creative rut

Changed things up on my site, working through a creative rut, and a quick sustainability update. Not much, but this...

just a random-nothing-super-special photo of my room window sill, except I kinda love everything on there so it's pretty special
Lifestyle Travel

Field of Lavender Dreams: NZ Road Trip Day 1

On the road on NYE embarking on a 5 day roaadtrip through sheep, mountains, glacial rivers, and my favorite--pockets of...
Journal Lifestyle

Journal 3/52: Five Things To Do More

This week's journal entry about five things I want to do more. There are the obvious ones like travel, but...
Photography Travel

Night Sky in Ofu-Olosega

An enchanting picture-perfect reminder of the magnificence and awe I feel every time I have the pleasure of staying in...
Journal Lifestyle Moments

Pondering on Paper

...outside in nature. I love soaking up the ambient sounds of home. I will forever love this backyard. * turn...
Lifestyle Sustainable Living


A couple weeks ago I caught my very first fish on my new JBL three-prong pole spear. I've been wanting...

The day we picked up the charter boat in FP

Night sparkles

Last summer

LIFE: This is MY Blog

Life is happening. I have been contemplating whether I should post my personal life stories on my blog, or whether...