Sep 21, 2021Moments

Today after work, I asked my husband if he liked my style, and he answered “I love your style!” with so much more energy and zest than I was expecting, and then he he paused and said “unapologetically!”

It’s nice to know I made good choices in my wardrobe and in choosing an amazing husband 🥰


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Photo Diaries

Photo diaries: Utumea beach picnic

We just wanted to get out of the house to get some sun and salt on our skin, and drove...
Lifestyle Travel

Snorkeling at To’aga Beach | Ofu Photo Journal

We made it! - arrived on the only flight of the week to Ofu, Manu'a! Snorkeling at the incredible To'aga...
Lifestyle Moments

26th. Always Grateful.

Before today ends, I just want to share how incredibly grateful I am for these 26 years of living. This...

Snorkeling with Yodi

Sessions: Toafā Te‘o Grad Portraits

Quick snaps of this beauty, Toafā Te'o, back in May to commemorate her high school graduation. Congrats Toafā!
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Fogama’a iPhone Pics

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Journal Lifestyle Moments

Pondering on Paper

...outside in nature. I love soaking up the ambient sounds of home. I will forever love this backyard. * turn...

We sold all our stuff at the Rotaract x Moso’oi Fest Swap Meet

We decluttered our house in prep for our baby girl, and sold a bunch of stuff at the Rotaract x...
Culture Photography

American Samoa for Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter peaceful protest — American Samoa stands in solidarity with BLM & justice for George Floyd, Breonna Taylor,...

Travel that I need

This isn't how I normally travel. I usually like to go places and see new things. But right now this...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

This rainy day is temporary

This rainy day is temporary The contrast is why we got ’em ‘Cause sunshine due is just a cloud away......
Meet Photography

MEET: Kau‘ilani Misipeka

Loves her family, turtles, and staying active — and shares what a typical day looks like for her at Coconut...
Journal Lifestyle

Journal 1/52: Thankful

Starting a journal series on Thanksgiving Day with prompt #1: What are you thankful for? This life, my people, and...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Improve within by being outside

Some days, it's a struggle to do more than the minimum. But remind yourself that sometimes, that's exactly just what...

Charity Headshots

Charity recently got accepted to a new job, and we celebrated by doing her headshots with my amateur studio setup...
Moments Photo Diaries Travel

Santa Monica, January 2020

Went to Santa Monica with Rick and Polly for our last weekend in California. The waves were mostly closing out,...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Coming out of quarantine, social distancing still

We are officially done with our mandatory 14-day medical home quarantine! We can finally leave the house, still remaining socially...
Lifestyle Moments

Pale workshop

It's graduation season on island, and last night Gabby made a pale for her cousin whose graduation was this morning,...
Lifestyle Moments

My home on the reef

My home on the reef. The tide was high and the sun was low in the horizon. One of those...

"There has never been a sadness that can't be cured by breakfast foods." - Ron Swanson