5 Ways to Power Through a Creative Slump

Aug 20, 2018Create, Lifestyle

1. Morning Pages

I recently started writing morning pages, which is a meditative practice of writing anything and everything you’re thinking about for 15 minutes and pouring out all your thoughts on paper so you get it out of your system and maybe get clarity from it.

2. Start a short daily challenge.

I know it seems counterintuitive to start a challenge while you’re in a creative slump, but it’s a good way to push yourself to do something, anything creative – even if it’s following a challenge prompt. At least you’re making something. For me, I’ve tried a minimalism challenge which really helped to get me thinking outside of the box, and a daily drawing challenge which made me feel good about myself just because I’m making something.

3. Follow a routine

Do you work best in the morning or evening? What does your morning/night routine look like? When I’m in a funky mood, I try to make sure I get myself in a good mood first thing in the morning. I wake up early and do easy yoga stretches in bed to wake my mind and body up, then quickly write my morning pages, put on tunes while I pick out what to wear, eat breakfast while glancing at my phone notifications, then make a to-do list for the day and work my way through them. I stick to this routine as much as I can so that I don’t have to think about how to get started, I just do it.

4. Watch only one video on YouTube

I love YouTube. Lately I’ve been watching a lot of creative vlogs, and it’s really making me want to start vlogging too. So I watch these when I’m in the dumps. But it’s important to limit yourself so you don’t get lost in random videos. I suggest you find something you’re interested in, or check your ‘watch later’ playlist. And then once that’s done, exit out of YouTube, or put on some lofi/chillhop music to get you groovin’ for the day.

5. Just commit

It’s almost impossible to always be motivated and inspired. Some days I’m thriving with motivation and ideas, and other days I feel like I’m just barely surviving. Go over your goals, reevaluate them, and commit commit commit. If you can power through a day in the dumps, you can do anything.

Here’s are some pics I took of myself on one of those meh days.


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