March highlights in the sky

Apr 1, 2019Moments


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Photo Diaries

Photo diaries: Utumea beach picnic

We just wanted to get out of the house to get some sun and salt on our skin, and drove...

Galentine notes

Feeling extra loved and inspired after finding these sweet notes my girl gang wrote to me on Galentines 

Just the occasional phone photo dump…

Here's a pano from my last night in Ofu. Trying to finish up all my Ofu posts so bear with...

7 Ways to Improve Your Quality of Life

I am all about improving my quality of life. Ask me what my goals are in life? I’ll say I...
Photo Diaries Photography

Afternoon at Fogama’a

Photo journal from earlier this year. A very lovely afternoon spent at Fogama'a Cove with friends. We sat in the...

Looking surprisingly fresh today even after speed walking back to the hotel from the Papee'ete Marche and Tahiti Pearl Market...

A throwback to January 1st, 2018. Waking up at Matareva Beach Fale.
Lifestyle Moments

You can see all the islands from up here!

Well not all of them, but we saw Upolu and Savaii, Ofu and Ta`u. This was our first day as...

It's raining right now and I'm making a mental note to self that I need an outdoor shower in my...
Journal Lifestyle Moments Photo Diaries

Bright Spots I’ve Been Needing — Recovered From the Draft Folder

I was going through my website's back end, and decided it was time to do a little digital decluttering. It...

chico bonito. cutie patootie. i love youie.

Finally doing it

27 JAN 2016 It has been a goal of mine to create my own website for the past couple of years....
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Improve within by being outside

Some days, it's a struggle to do more than the minimum. But remind yourself that sometimes, that's exactly just what...

Oh Starry Night

Something so serene about lying in the dark looking up at nature's night lights... We laid in the back of...
Journal Lifestyle

Journal 3/52: Five Things To Do More

This week's journal entry about five things I want to do more. There are the obvious ones like travel, but...

Aunty Files: Isaac Turns 4

My nephew's at the age where he’s really excited for his birthday. The first thing he said to me was...

The Treehouse

Where Ian and I first met, where we live, and where we got married. Feeling so much love.
Moments Motherhood

34.2 weeks

a special day together — deep and difficult conversations about our future buying plants for our temporary space visited a...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Quarantine Diaries: Saving money during coronavirus frenzy

The coronavirus is causing catastrophe across the world... on the vein of financial impacts, I’ve luckily been able to save...

Love, Husband

In love with my husband.