Apr 6, 2019Moments

Finally a day to relax and not do any work work and just hang out on my new papasan chair and tend to my garden and pot these pothos.


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Morning coffee on the At Last


Sunny productive and lazy weekends

Installed a new exterior door. Painted our interior doors. Bought coconuts from a road stall. Went SUPing. Snorkeled around the...
Journal Lifestyle

Journal 5/52: Quote to Live By

Words to live by. These four words have resonated with me for nearly 5 years, and it continues to do...

Yodi napping in the shadow

A Little Big Island Adventure

Went with a group of friends on a little adventure... scratch that, it was a BIG island adventure. Something we’ve...

How To Pack for New Zealand (2 weeks in December)

What I packed for my travels through New Zealand’s summer season.

The iPhone really be stepping up it's phoneography game! Take a live photo of any body of moving water and...

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Lifestyle Sustainable Living

Preparing for #PlasticFreeJuly

One of my goals for 2018 was to strive for a zero waste lifestyle, and I’ve accepted the challenge to...

Having a funky day so I left work early and did the following things to recollect myself: took my work...

Home, Outside

March has been beautiful month - watching the skies and feeling the cool breeze. Makes me want to just curl...


Take action today

Photo Diaries

Photo diaries: Utumea beach picnic

We just wanted to get out of the house to get some sun and salt on our skin, and drove...
Photo Diaries Travel

What I’m looking forward to in the near future

Do you ever get so excited for a trip you can barely sleep in the nights leading up to your...

just a random-nothing-super-special photo of my room window sill, except I kinda love everything on there so it's pretty special
Culture Lifestyle

How We Help Our Animals (The Fun Way)

Out of love and compassion for our animals, Coconut Mutts and a tribe of animal lovers got together for a...

Throwback to 2018, while aboard the Sea Casa for a pleasure cruise, thanks to Captain Connor. This landscape view of...

Me and Yodi girl rolling around cuddling; from two or three months ago?? I don't remember but I got a...

Blanket hog

like a pig in a blanket by which I mean he actually hogs all the covers and I wake up...