Apr 30, 2020Moments

Yodi napping in the shadow


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Coconuts and Jenga – Ofu Evenings

My days in Ofu are usually spent on the beach, biking through To'aga, or hiking Mt. Tumu. But the evenings...
Journal Lifestyle

JOURNAL 6/52: (Christmas) Best Thing That Happened This Week

It’s the week between two of my favorite holidays - Christmas and New Year - so it's only natural that...

Lifestyle Travel

Fast kine in Hawai’i

Only 2 short days in Hawaii... bodysurfing with kids at Hukilau beach, picnicking under the stars outside of a Jack...

Climate Change is not just an issue that is happening to us, it’s happening because of us. 
Moments Motherhood

34.2 weeks

a special day together — deep and difficult conversations about our future buying plants for our temporary space visited a...

Photo Diaries

Just what I needed

This was an emotionally funky day for me. We filled a bag with blankets, books, chips and dips, fresh cold...

pc: Gabby from our anniversary camping trip last year

Splish splash

Got all these beautiful LifeProof goodies on the mail, and a radddd backpack!! So so stoked

Photos by the bestie Alafaga, during a shoot I tagged along on. Also, I made this top just the night...
Create Lifestyle

I designed and made my Dream Tote Bag!

Hello hello! I have been busy in the studio the last couple of months. I love that since coming back...

How I learned to be a better tourist

Pack smarter and lighter. Do a little research before the trip. Know when and when not to take photos. Treat...

You are drowning yourself by overthinking everything. The next time you find yourself overthinking or beating yourself over something, picture...

It’s going to be a wet one

We're hunkering down at home... Storm-proofing our house, and preparing for 1-2 possible cyclones that will be rolling in over...

kinda gives me the heebie jeebies!

Waking up at Mt. Alava (ENGAGED!)

A little photo journal from the morning after we got engaged up at Mt. Alava, and a short snippet of...

Dharma Bums


new (love) couch

love seat. lovingggg our new couch, and on each other. if this is adulting, i am here for it.