Jan 28, 2019Moments

Morning 1.28.19


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Always a classic.

High tide this morning

Picking tahitian limes and riding in the back of the truck by our campsite.Life is guud.

Underwater Gataivai

A photo diary underwater in Gataivai
Moments Photo Diaries Travel

Santa Monica, January 2020

Went to Santa Monica with Rick and Polly for our last weekend in California. The waves were mostly closing out,...

Free me into the sea

Thank the Lordddd for R&R
Culture Lifestyle Moments

Palolo in American Samoa 2019

Stayed up til 3am waiting for palolo at Fatumafuti. Some people got lucky but we left the shore with empty...

Vaccine side effects update

Update on vaccine side effects: Last night when I was trying to go to sleep, I suddenly started feeling very...

How we prepare for a tropical cyclone in American Samoa

It's cyclone season in American Samoa, and this weekend has been one for storm preparations at home. This is how...

Lifestyle Travel

Bike Riding at To’aga + Sunu’itao Peak | Ofu Photo Journal

By far the best way to get around Ofu is by bike - lush greens on both sides of the...
Mood Board

Inspiration in the midst of chaos

Life has been busy, and there has been some moments of reprieve, surely. BUT it's about to get a lot...
Photo Diaries Photography

Afternoon at Fogama’a

Photo journal from earlier this year. A very lovely afternoon spent at Fogama'a Cove with friends. We sat in the...
Photo Diaries

Quarantine Diaries: Sun and salt

Ian and I wanted to get out of the house and move our bodies. Ian picked up our paddle boards,...

We Painted the Fridge Blue

Productive Saturday - a moody sunrise, a couple hours of work, impromptu home improvement projects... oh, and we painted our...

A visit to Jean P. Haydon Museum in American Samoa

A day off work and a cruise ship in town, so we decided to play tourist and finally visit our...

LIFE: Scuba diving Hole in the Reef and travel plans

Scuba diving at Hole in the Reef, and my BCD broke!! Summer 2017 travel has been booked. And hosting travel...

Mt. Pioa also known as "Rainmaker" - September 21, 2019
Lifestyle Sustainable Living

My Plastic Free July Goals and Expectations

A new month is here, and with it comes my favorite sustainability challenge — Plastic Free July. Setting realistic goals...

front facing camera... oh hi, it meee