This time last year

Apr 28, 2018Moments

Our trip to Samoa. And in less than a week, we’re going back!


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Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Quarantine Diaries: Keep calm and stay 6 feet away

How to keep calm and socially distant... eat, get fresh air, go for a drive, use a face mask, buy...
Journal Moments

Snaps: Aunu`u

Green and blue scenes around Aunu`u island. Snapped while on a work site visit in August 2019.

I do believe in an everyday sort of magic – the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works...
Create Culture

Making Siapo with Fa’aSamoa Arts

What is Siapo? Siapo is an ancient Samoan art form, similar to painting, but instead the canvas is called tapa...
Journal Lifestyle

Journal 7/52: What I’m Stressed About

It’s the beginning of a New Year, so there are loads of pressures that come with change and a new...

I’m a LifeProof Ambassador!

Remember how I lost my phone at the Nu'uuli waterfall? Well, I posted about it on instagram and tagged LifeProof......
Lifestyle Travel

OdySea Aquarium + Butterfly Wonderland

Just like me, my nephew is enamored with fish. We spent the day at the OdySea Aquarium and Butterfly Wonderland...
Journal Lifestyle Moments

TLDR: Late night babbling

Not that you asked, but up late again, listening to lofi jams, sipping on water, cruising the internet, and babbling...

Adventures with Shivaun: Part 1

Part 1: Spontaneously decided to take a drive around the island in the back of the truck… because if you...

Lifestyle Motherhood Photo Diaries Travel

Life Lately: 5 months of change and evolution

Helloooo there. It's meeeee. Nerelleeeee. It has been a hoot of a while — and I have missed this space...

A Technicolor Camp Night

The night lit by campfire, glow sticks, and the light in our eyes; coconut crabs and dancing children; cozy tents,...
Lifestyle Travel

Visit with a Kingfisher | Ofu Photo Journal

Jamie and Holly from the Institute of Bird Populations (IBP) invited us over to check out a kingfisher that they...

Blanket hog

like a pig in a blanket by which I mean he actually hogs all the covers and I wake up...

Journal Lifestyle

Journal 5/52: Quote to Live By

Words to live by. These four words have resonated with me for nearly 5 years, and it continues to do...

Summer’s coming

The tradewinds are calming down. It's bittersweet knowing that summer is on its way. I'll miss the breeze but I...

It was about time to butter up the boards again
Culture Lifestyle Meet

Listen: What is Coconut Mutts?

A podcast interview with Kelsey Johnson, who fell head over paws in American Samoa and founded Coconut Mutts to improve...
Journal Lifestyle Moments

26 Lessons I’ve Learned in 26 Years

Oh, Life is a strange and wonderful thing, isn't it? It's a funny teacher, that's for sure! And in my...