Sleepy animals

Apr 28, 2018Moments

on the balcony


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Things I’m Grateful For Today

This giant clam shell still intact. The glow of sunlight through the windows in the studio. The mangroves in the...

A Letter to You, the Reader

Thank you. Whoever you are, wherever you may be. I am thankful for your presence here and the time you...

SESSIONS: Kelley & Alden (+1)

At 7 months pregnant, Kelley is still a bombshell in a lavalava. This hot mama and her handsome husband of...

View from our Thursday yoga seshes in Utulei

I do my thing and you do yours. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,...

Processed with VSCO with kk1 preset

my precious fur babies


How I learned to be a better tourist

Pack smarter and lighter. Do a little research before the trip. Know when and when not to take photos. Treat...


Two more sleeps until I get to kiss this handsome face again
Journal Lifestyle Moments

TLDR: Late night babbling

Not that you asked, but up late again, listening to lofi jams, sipping on water, cruising the internet, and babbling...
Mood Board

Reminders To Self

The last few weeks have been up and down and all around for me. I've been finding myself to be...

The other side of the proposal

I asked my fiancé (ooh-lala!) to write up his side of the proposal story, and I'm sharing unedited photos and...
Journal Lifestyle

Journal 5/52: Quote to Live By

Words to live by. These four words have resonated with me for nearly 5 years, and it continues to do...

Peter Pan

We'll be young forever
Lifestyle Moments Photo Diaries

Up Late, Good Night Moon

Everyone’s asleep but me, and I just saw the moon going to bed behind the mountain too. It was beautiful....
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Breakfast at Sadies by the Sea

Enjoyed a mini staycation of sorts today with my Mr. — starting with breakfast at Sadies by the Sea for...

March highlights in the sky

Culture Travel

Tui Ofu Well

Not far from the beach is an ancient historic village that's spanned over three millenniums. And there, you'll find the...

Random pic I took of Gabs in her backyard sometime last year 2022. Such a mood.