How I learned to be a better tourist

Nov 10, 2016Travel

Pack smarter and lighter

This could be another ‘how to’ all on its own, but this is important. Pack only the essentials and you’l already feel like a well-seasoned traveler. Here’s my checklist of what to pack.


Do a little research before the trip

What are the people like? What are some local sites not mentioned in a typical guide book? What’s the weather forecast going to be like? This can parlay in to your essentials-only packing list. Knowing these little tidbits beforehand will allow you to better experience the culture and lifestyle, and you won’t be constantly stressed about what to do and what to order.


Know when and when not to take photos

You’re on holiday. You want to take in as much as you can and enjoy yourself. So do that. You’re probably really hip and want to show the world your adventures with your phoneography and sunset filters, but be mindful that there is a time and place for self-gratification, and you should pick and choose with that in mind. Take advantage of the moment and get the full experience. You can blog about it later too! I sure do.


Treat this place like home

When you’re home, you’ve got to clean up after yourself and tend to the laundry, and while you don’t necessarily have to do those things on vacation, if you’re traveling, you’re visiting other peoples’ homes. Show your appreciation for the people and the culture by being polite, present, and responsible for yourself. They’ll love you and may even share some great stories and more secret spots to check out!


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