The sunsets this weekend

Mar 12, 2018Moments

Lit up my life


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Rainy Day cat naps


Woke up to this rainbow

Gleaming outside the window. This pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is a blue lagoon. Do you...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Camping and Snorkeling at Fagalua

Underwater scenes from Fagalua in American Samoa. A photo journal from a Fagalua camping trip in January 2021. Still in...

My heart burst at how cute this is!
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

A Sunny Home Tour

The morning sun is up in the sky, streaming through the windows at home. I am always inspired by the...

my precious fur babies

Journal Lifestyle Moments

Yes I’m still here!

Ahh yellowww... hi there. I know I've been M.I.A. for a while, but I'm still here! It's been a long...
Lifestyle Travel

Bike Riding at To’aga + Sunu’itao Peak | Ofu Photo Journal

By far the best way to get around Ofu is by bike - lush greens on both sides of the...

Stickers are here! And so is the online shop!

For the last two weeks, I've been busy working on another part of my website: setting up an online shop...
Mood Board

You are an explorer

This mood board is pretty much exactly my mood the last two weeks. Lately I've been doing a lot of...
Culture Lifestyle

Pacific Roots Open Mic #12

It's been over a year since the last Pacific Roots Open Mic. Fresh new talents got up and spilled their...

a little rainbow for my belly

Journal Lifestyle

This is 30.

On March 18, 1992, an angel descended upon Earth in the form of a little girl, and her name was...

Boat on fire

You guise! A purse seiner boat caught fire on Wednesday and basically all of Fagatogo was covered in smoke all...

Love you bubby

On a Tuesday

Our office caught fire so we evacuated and were let out for the day. Lauren and I spent it right...
Lifestyle Motherhood

Giant Clams are GIANT

A gallery from our babymoon excursion to Savaia, Samoa, where they have a giant clam sanctuary. Ian and I always...

Yodi's mortal enemy, Koko
Lifestyle Wedding

We toured 7 wedding venues in Samoa. Which should I choose?!

Ooh, look at me blogging about wedding planning! I'm surprisingly really enjoying the process so far. But now to choose...

Hallway shelfie

Little bits and bobs in the hallway that make me happy