Life Lately: I revamped my site / in a creative rut

Aug 20, 2018Lifestyle

Hi internet world!

It’s been a hot minute since I last posted.

I’ve been busy getting back into the groove of things since coming back from California, and if you haven’t yet noticed, I changed up my website layout a bit!

It’s still a work in progress…

I originally planned to work in drafts only and then change it all up in one go, but that turned out to be rather intimidating so instead I’ve been slowly making changes here and there.

Just playing around to see what I like and don’t like.

What do you think of it? Yay or nay?

In other news

I’ve been in a creative rut, and feeling unimpressed with myself lately.

So I’m working on getting my motivation up while setting my mind to power through the slumps.

I’m also writing a blog post about pushing myself to stay creative even when I’m feeling low.

Sustainability update

My zero waste kit, as you might remember (from this post) featured a wooden fork I got in Bali. Unfortunately that broke, so I’m now carrying around my regular stainless steel fork from home.

I also received a “cannibal fork” from a friend who came back from Fiji and I was obsessed with that thing. It’s a 4-pronged wooden utensil with the prongs in a square so you can dig into what you’re eating pretty easily. It worked awesome with fried chicken, let me just say. But unfortunately, that broke too. So if anyone is coming back from Fiji, please get me a cannibal fork!

Also, I’m sorry I never continued with #PlasticFreeJuly updates. I had daily notes which I was going to use for my blog post, but in the spirit of vacation I took a break from being behind the screen so much and just lived life ya know?

I will say however that #PlasticFreeJuly was a great opportunity for me to take stock of my plastic consumption. There were quite a few fails (aka learning lessons) but overall, I greatly decreased the amount of single-use plastics like straws, plastic bags, and take out containers, and I’m very happy about that.


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