Feb 18, 2020Moments

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One of those days


sabrina's birthday game night gang

Night sparkles

Last summer
Photo Diaries Travel

What I’m looking forward to in the near future

Do you ever get so excited for a trip you can barely sleep in the nights leading up to your...
Lifestyle Moments

You can see all the islands from up here!

Well not all of them, but we saw Upolu and Savaii, Ofu and Ta`u. This was our first day as...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Sleepy sleepy

On Sunday morning, I felt so fatigued from the DIY project my husband and I started the day before; but...

Red skies at night, sailor's delight.
Photo Diaries Travel

Snorkeling To’aga Lagoon

Photos from a morning of snorkeling at To'aga lagoon. September 2020. Not much to say here, just let the photos...

Today at work #sanctuaries

Having a funky day so I left work early and did the following things to recollect myself: took my work...




Life Lately: Travel Updates Coming Soon

What a crazy amazing past couple of weeks! Ian and I have been traveling around every few days which is...

I’m a LifeProof Ambassador!

Remember how I lost my phone at the Nu'uuli waterfall? Well, I posted about it on instagram and tagged LifeProof......

Stairs to Fagatele Bay, a beautiful and vibrant unit of the National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa.
Create Sustainable Living

Making cloth napkins + elei printing

Level up your party planning with cute customized cloth napkins. Elei printing for the first time, and quite happy with...
Lifestyle Travel

You, Me, and our baby moon

After an eventful first few days in Samoa for our combined girls trip, Ian and I were in full-on baby...
Journal Lifestyle

Lucky to have this love

I'm so lucky to have this kind of love. You bring more love to my life than I ever could...
Lifestyle Moments

My home on the reef

My home on the reef. The tide was high and the sun was low in the horizon. One of those...

Another French Polynesia sailing photo blog

Ah French Polynesia... you gave us so many great memories. Here's yet another photo blog from our sailing adventures on...