Night sparkles

Feb 9, 2019Moments

Last summer


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Life Lately: Sunrise haze and updates

Woke up this morning to a pastel haze outside my kitchen window. Thought I'd share this view with you, along...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Us at P.R.O.M.

Cutie couples pics to celebrate each other and all the amazing talent that will grace the stage.

Lessons from recent travels

Just a few life lessons from my recent travels... because going away makes me appreciate what it means to go...

How I lost my phone at Nu’uuli waterfall

I went to Nu'uuli waterfall over the weekend with some friends and brought Yodi along too. It was going to be...

Much better

Woke up feeling so much better today! A little sore but I shook and stretched out the aches, and downed...
Journal Lifestyle

Journal 9/52: Childhood Memories

Reminiscing on childhood memories really make you appreciative of where you are in life and what it took to get...

Photo Journal: South to North Island, New Zealand

Sharing another long forgotten photo journal recovered from my drafts folder. I'm slowly clearing that out, and so please don't...

Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Nu‘uuli Waterfall

Part II: Snaps from a couple of weeks ago at Nu‘uuli waterfall. I tagged along with Gabby (Alafaga Creative Media)...

Weekend brunching


Weekends Living LifeProof

Snaps of me and our pup Yodi in the Pala Lagoon a couple weekends ago, featuring my new LifeProof swag......
Meet Photography

MEET: Kau‘ilani Misipeka

Loves her family, turtles, and staying active — and shares what a typical day looks like for her at Coconut...

2018 was the year I invested in my sleep

Got a memory foam pillow with neck arch support from my sweet sister. Solved my achy neck problem. Made my...

Sorry, another one bc I’m kinda obsessed with this


View from our Thursday yoga seshes in Utulei

Sewing in the studio

Designing some new pieces. Trying to do math. Pulling out a an assortment of fabrics. Measuring if I have enough...


This is Mia. Now that she's pregnant, I've been calling her Mama Mia. It suits her. In just 2 more...

my handsome fiance driving on the other side of the road
Moments Photo Diaries

Fogama’a adventure reel

A quick little reel from our hike to Fogama’a cove yesterday for the MLK holiday with friends. It was a...


New Monday, back to the grind. Feeling a bit more "me" in my workspace.