Sorry, another one bc I’m kinda obsessed with this

Feb 21, 2019Moments


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Pre-sunset snorkel

Snaps that Ian and I took on our Olympus Tough-series waterproof camera. Snorkeling in the front yard with Yodi the...

The smell of Moso`oi

I can smell it just looking at this... IYKYK

Happy belated birthday to my sister, she is a role model and my best friend since birth! Love you so...
Lifestyle Travel

Scenes around Vaoto Lodge: Ofu Photo Journal

Welcome to a photo journal that depicts my experience at Vaoto Lodge. Between family, friends, and strangers, Vaoto Lodge is...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Staying hydrated and moisturized

It’s 4pm, and my day’s been pretty good so far…I’m feeling much better. I did yoga. Got some work done....

A visit to Jean P. Haydon Museum in American Samoa

A day off work and a cruise ship in town, so we decided to play tourist and finally visit our...

Daddy and zaddy bonding

Dinner on the SV Robert C. Seaman with Captain Cassie

For Moana Chips — From the Farm to the Fair

Photos I took for Moana Chips. They asked me to shoot some content during the Flag Day Farm Fair at...

Weekends Living LifeProof

Snaps of me and our pup Yodi in the Pala Lagoon a couple weekends ago, featuring my new LifeProof swag......

leaf it alone


Library day

I can’t wait to take my kid to the library — I hope she likes reading like me and her...

SESSIONS: Kate & Taylor / Sunrise besties

Life is better with friends... What are your friendships like? This one is silly, loving, and adventurous! Dedicated teachers turned...

I want to get better at photo journaling on my website rather than just ig so sorry for the photo...

On the cusp of something new and beautiful

Grateful for this man, our baby on the way, and the journey that led us to here.
Lifestyle Travel

Upolu Travel Journal

Oh Samoa! Living on a tropical island in the middle of the Pacific--complete with bananas and coconuts galore--you'd think that...
Lifestyle Travel

You, Me, and our baby moon

After an eventful first few days in Samoa for our combined girls trip, Ian and I were in full-on baby...
Create Sustainable Living

Making cloth napkins + elei printing

Level up your party planning with cute customized cloth napkins. Elei printing for the first time, and quite happy with...
Lifestyle Moments Photo Diaries

We built a blanket fort

We engineered this blanket fort with sheets, lavalavas, clothespins, binder clips, rope, and framed it all around of our couch...

A brief travel journal of Pape’ete, Tahiti

Maeva and bienvenue to the tropical city of Pape'ete in Tahiti. Greeted at the airport with leis by Rick and...