Feb 21, 2019Moments


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Lifestyle Travel

Packing Light for a Long Weekend (in Samoa)

Preparing for a weekend escape to Samoa with a list of things to bring and absolute essentials for packing light...
Photo Diaries Travel

WE MOVED! First week in California

This pacific island girl has moved to the California coast! And my life looks wildly different than it did last...


Been a bit obsessed with my plants lately. Trying to experiment with propagation of my sansevieria, golden pothos, and that...

Sunset dates out west

We love spontaneous date nights around the island. I don't always take my camera on date nights, but when I...
Journal Lifestyle Moments

Pondering on Paper

...outside in nature. I love soaking up the ambient sounds of home. I will forever love this backyard. * turn...

Power outage

We could hear our neighbors' kids playing igave'a (hide and seek) in the dark, giggling and scurrying around the property...

a little rainbow for my belly


Journal Lifestyle

Diary of an Aunty: Summer 2018

Oh my goodness time flies and these cuties just get cuter! I am so incredibly blessed to have the chance...
Photography Travel

When Two Worlds Collide: Elaine and Fernando Coura

Last weekend, Saturday May 12th, was a day for the cosmos. Two bright young worlds collided, and became one. She's...

Bali Travel Diaries: Market visits and batik class

Rainy day in Ubud, walking to the art market, taking a batik master class with Wayanna Batik, and enjoying the...


American Samoa's first TEDx talks on Tuesday, October 1st 2019. Big thanks to Samu's Ice Cream for sponsoring me and...
Create Journal

Creative Journal Log

Journal spread from this past weekend. I've been having so much fun doing these daily creative journals. See more of...

Babe’s back!

Create Sustainable Living

Upcycling scrap fabric for closet portière

Now that our home office is set up, I wanted to hide all our junk in the closet, so I...

Woke up to this rainbow

Gleaming outside the window. This pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is a blue lagoon. Do you...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Honeymoon Me in Ofu, by Ian

First day on honeymoon. Ian took some pics of me and using our new underwater camera! He's become really good...

Ian caught this Dascyllus aruanus

at Coconut Point and here we're transporting it to the National Parks office for their new aquarium exhibit.
Journal Lifestyle

Aunty Files: Merbaby and Friends

I think it's important to gift my niece and nephew with things that are meaningful and memorable. My niece just...

Babbling: Almost 25

I turn 25 in a month and I’m scrambling to cross off some personal goals one by one that I wrote...