Valentine’s Day Date Night

Feb 21, 2019Moments

Did a really fancy dinner on valentines and ate soooo much seafood! Aren’t we cute? Lol you can say no


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Sunset glow

After swim Coconut oil
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Coming out of quarantine, social distancing still

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Sleeping or reading

Lifestyle Moments Photo Diaries

Sunday Lazies

We are geezers, I'm tellin' ya! We went out to Flying Fox on Saturday night, and did some karaoke at...
Lifestyle Travel

Fast kine in Hawai’i

Only 2 short days in Hawaii... bodysurfing with kids at Hukilau beach, picnicking under the stars outside of a Jack...

Even just 20 minutes of vacation is so good for the soul

I thought this was funny because I was taking an instagram story when suddenly Ian comes over and picks me...

Beach Camping in American Samoa

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View from our Thursday yoga seshes in Utulei
Journal Lifestyle Moments Photo Diaries

Bright Spots I’ve Been Needing — Recovered From the Draft Folder

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Night sparkles

Last summer

Cheat Day

Do you really need one? Indulging in a Banana split sundae with Koko samoa brownie base, coffee and vanilla ice...
Lifestyle Motherhood

Baby Moon in Samoa

Flashback to a few months ago... My life was looking and feeling way too busy that I wasn't really able...

Library day

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Charity Headshots

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Lifestyle Travel

EV Nautilus photo journal pt. 1 | Deep sea exploration in American Samoa

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I want to get better at photo journaling on my website rather than just ig so sorry for the photo...

Scenes from the 2019 AS Flag Day parade | Part 1

Photo journal of scenes from the American Samoa Flag Day parade on April 17, 2019 at the Tafuna Veteran's Memorial...

Create: February on Paper

February was a good month for my creative process. I’m essentially rekindling my childhood passion for all things analog and...