Sunset glow

Mar 10, 2018Moments

After swim

Coconut oil


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Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Sunrise Sistas

Me and Gabs snapped some pics real quick before breakfast a couple weekends ago.

Adventures with Shivaun: Part 2

Part 2: Even though we live on a tiny island where road trips are not really a thing, it's still...

Fun “Office” Day at Fagatele Bay

A fun "office" day at Fagatele Bay with the NMSAS science team. I absoltely love when I'm able to get...

7 Ways to Improve Your Quality of Life

I am all about improving my quality of life. Ask me what my goals are in life? I’ll say I...

Cat out of the closet

Lifestyle Sustainable Living

Life Lately: A busy bee still stings

Oh man it’s been a hectic past few weeks! All of June has blurred by with non-stop general busy-ness and...
Journal Lifestyle

Life Lately: My birthday, Ian’s home, Yodi’s heart worms, and Coronavirus

Everything has unfolded just so in the last few months since 2020 rolled around, and let me just say, what...

Much better

Woke up feeling so much better today! A little sore but I shook and stretched out the aches, and downed...
Journal Lifestyle

Journal 3/52: Five Things To Do More

This week's journal entry about five things I want to do more. There are the obvious ones like travel, but...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Everything is Alive — Underwater Photo Diaries

Photography has been a great love of mine for as long as I can remember, but underwater photography is a...

Photo Diaries Travel

Photo Journal: LACMA

Photo journal from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) with Ian, Polly, and Rick. January 2020.

Flight to LA

I am never not taking photos out the window whenever I fly/travel. Pics from my iPhone camera roll December 7,...

Daddy and zaddy bonding

lovable moments in black and white. camping at Mt. Alava.
Moments Photo Diaries

sunset, happy hour, dominoes

The sun finally peeking through all the gray from this week. Sunset, happy hour, and dominoes on the balcony with...
Photo Diaries

Tide Gauge

Took some photos of Ian installing a tide gauge in the Ofu lagoon. I love watching my man in action.

Spontaneous date nights around the island

Spontaneous date nights are the best. Especially when we skip the restaurant and just get on the road, have the...

TGI Flotilla Friday

yay another weekend

Woohoo! Another restful weekend for me. It's only Saturday morning, and I'm just so happy to know the weekend is...