
Jan 27, 2020Moments

New Monday, back to the grind. Feeling a bit more “me” in my workspace.


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More Show, Less Tell

"My vibe right now is just living life" Made this top a couple years ago and this matching wrap skirt...

Library day

I can’t wait to take my kid to the library — I hope she likes reading like me and her...

Jones Turns One

Oh Jones. It's always such a wonder when you see a kid go from your friend's baby bump to a...
Lifestyle Travel

Guest post: Ian’s trip to Ofu, Manu`a

This is Ian, and I'll be doing my very first guest appearance on Relli's epic blog! Inside look at Toaga...

LIFE: Scuba diving Hole in the Reef and travel plans

Scuba diving at Hole in the Reef, and my BCD broke!! Summer 2017 travel has been booked. And hosting travel...

Jessica at the Bluesky birthday bash / concert at Utulei Beach Park.July 20, 2019.
Mood Board

Monday Day Dreaming

Happy Monday friends! It's that time of the week again. A brand new day to start again, or to continue...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Nu‘uuli Waterfall

Part II: Snaps from a couple of weeks ago at Nu‘uuli waterfall. I tagged along with Gabby (Alafaga Creative Media)...

Sleepy Scruff

Napping in the studio, one of his favorite nap spots

We Painted the Fridge Blue

Productive Saturday - a moody sunrise, a couple hours of work, impromptu home improvement projects... oh, and we painted our...

SESSIONS: Suli Sataua Slays Prom 2017

Suli Sataua slayed in her prom dress! Her senior prom theme: fire and ice. But no doubt, when she mixes...

Lifestyle Moments

Pale workshop

It's graduation season on island, and last night Gabby made a pale for her cousin whose graduation was this morning,...

A Technicolor Camp Night

The night lit by campfire, glow sticks, and the light in our eyes; coconut crabs and dancing children; cozy tents,...

Playing around with lighting and colors in post. Photos from this moody evening.
Lifestyle Travel

In between moments | Samoa Travel Diaries

A hop and a skip to the island we've decided we're getting married at. It was a busy trip, but...
Photo Diaries

BTS shell painting

Behind the scenes 'before' photos of a very large shell on canvas painting. In progress earlier this afternoon with Ian's...

our sweet Yodi bear. pc: Ian M.

birthday boy brunch

for our special guy. Thanks to Georgia and Taylor for hosting us!  
Create Sustainable Living

DIY Beeswax Wraps ft. Alafaga

It's 2019 and I’m still committed to making steady strides in sustainable living. Enter Beeswax fabric wraps, a DIY project...