Jan 26, 2020Moments

Shakespeare Bridge


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From tumblr to wordpress

I started blogging on Tumblr. I created a personal blog to post my photography and random public journals, and I...

Library day

I can’t wait to take my kid to the library — I hope she likes reading like me and her...

Date night ready


morning coffee wisps


Brown leaves

Is my vibe these days
Journal Lifestyle

Journal 9/52: Childhood Memories

Reminiscing on childhood memories really make you appreciative of where you are in life and what it took to get...
Journal Lifestyle

Journal 11/52: Current Playlist

It's been too long since I made a playlist. My iPod - which contained pretty much all my music was...

The iPhone really be stepping up it's phoneography game! Take a live photo of any body of moving water and...
Photo Diaries

I’m 29 now, wow.

The days, weeks, months, and years seem to go by faster as I get older. I still feel like a...

Much better

Woke up feeling so much better today! A little sore but I shook and stretched out the aches, and downed...

Meet: Mikah Meyer

Meet Mikah Meyer. A double world-record holder for being the youngest person to visit all 417 US national parks in...
Lifestyle Travel

DIVE LOG: Wreck Diving the USS Liberty in Tulamben, Bali

My week in Bali was coming to an end and with a hurried sense of adventure, we drove for 3...

Valentine’s Morning

He tried to surprise me with breakfast in bed but I woke up early lol. What a lovely way to...

Cueva Ventana | Puerto Rico Travel Diary

Some photos I snapped while on a walking tour of Cueva Ventana, or "Window Cave" in Arecibo, Puerto Rico.

Having the best night

I love feeling like I'm falling in love all over again. Ian's been extra sweet on me these last few...

Family Photos on Christmas Day

My little family has grown so much in the last few years. I met my boyfriend, he brought home a...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Nu‘uuli Waterfall

Part II: Snaps from a couple of weeks ago at Nu‘uuli waterfall. I tagged along with Gabby (Alafaga Creative Media)...

Yodi’s Waterfall Adventure

Yodi has always been comfortable in the water. Since she was a pup, she's grown up playing in the ocean....
Journal Lifestyle

Journal 10/52: How I See the World

A difficult question because my exposure to the world is limited by my geography, lifestyle, and environment. My view of...

Sunday Fun Day: Tidepools and Whale Watching

Not much to do on Sundays, except for jumping into tidepools, snorkeling at the beach, and whale watching with friends....