Family Photos on Christmas Day

Dec 28, 2017Lifestyle

My little family has grown so much in the last few years. I met my boyfriend, he brought home a stray kitten he named Officer Scruffles, and more recently we’ve adopted our favorite pup Yodi. We’re head over heels paws in love with our unlikely family of drifters.

Christmas Day was sheer perfection. Read more about what we did in my post here.

We took some family photos doing what we love – hanging out in the ocean!

Yodi is a natural in the water. She grew up here at Coconut Point so she’s always swimming whenever we go out. And in case you didn’t know, Officer Scruffles does in fact swim. Photo or it didn’t happen? If you want to see him in action, check out my Instagram video here, where he jumps into the ocean for a swim.

Manuia Le Kerisimasi from our family to yours!

It was so fun to just hang out with my furry family under the sun.

Ian paddled out with Officer on the kayak

I took the stand up paddle board and Yodi swam

Ian jumped into the cool blue water

While I hung out with Officer on the flotilla

A curious Officer going back and forth between the SUP and kayak

Another family photo in action!

Our Christmas family photo in action

The brave Scruffles. Officer Scruffles.

Saw a shark(!!!) for the first time in the water (not pictured). And a bunch of sea turtles <3

Ian took this rad shot of us all heading home

Moffman and the Officer kayak surfing in the small waves!


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