Feeling like a tiger

Jul 19, 2018Moments


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Sunset glow

After swim Coconut oil
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Everything is Alive — Underwater Photo Diaries

Photography has been a great love of mine for as long as I can remember, but underwater photography is a...

Dive Log: Amalau Bay

Photo log of my first fun dive of the year at Amalau Bay, American Samoa! Giant porites coral, 5 ft...

Photo Diaries

Code Blue activities

American Samoa is still under Code Blue, which means we have 0 confirmed cases of coronavirus. It also means that...
Lifestyle Sustainable Living

#PlasticFreeJuly – Week 1 Updates & Lessons Learned

It's #PlasticFreeJuly! Here's a review of my first 7 days into the challenge... some wins, some losses; and overall lessons...

Things I’m Grateful For Today

This giant clam shell still intact. The glow of sunlight through the windows in the studio. The mangroves in the...

The other side of the proposal

I asked my fiancé (ooh-lala!) to write up his side of the proposal story, and I'm sharing unedited photos and...

LifeProof underwater


Jones Turns One

Oh Jones. It's always such a wonder when you see a kid go from your friend's baby bump to a...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Snorkeling in Gataivai

Living next to a beach is pretty freaking awesome. I can get in the water as often as I want,...

Random pic I took of Gabs in her backyard sometime last year 2022. Such a mood.

What a lovely thing it is to write freely and without consequence


"Quiet doesn’t need to mean boring or unfulfilling, it doesn’t show that you’re any less hard working or any less...

mama and dada

Library day

I can’t wait to take my kid to the library — I hope she likes reading like me and her...


Underwater Gataivai

A photo diary underwater in Gataivai

You learn something new every day, and today I learned that there's a compass on my iPhone. We're hunkering down...
Journal Lifestyle Travel

Back from a long vacation (a journal entry)

Hello and Taaaaalofa! I'm back in American Samoa now, waiting out my government mandated quarantine at the Fatu O Aiga...