Feeling like a tiger

Jul 19, 2018Moments


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Sunset shadows

A little evening light reprise, after many days of clouds.

Sessions: Georgia and Mareike at sunrise

Part 1 of a sunrise session with these two beautiful women, flat mates, and friends. We woke up before the...

Daily dive


Aunty Files: Isaac Turns 4

My nephew's at the age where he’s really excited for his birthday. The first thing he said to me was...

Just the occasional phone photo dump…

Here's a pano from my last night in Ofu. Trying to finish up all my Ofu posts so bear with...
Moments Photo Diaries

Nu‘uuli waterfall

Wandered off and hung out the entire afternoon by the waterfall, did an impromptu photo shoot and got Chinese takeout...
Moments Travel

Motu Mahaea (Taha’a): French Polynesia Photo Journals

Photo journal from this idyllic motu (island) just off Taha'a on July 1, 2019. We sailed there and anchored in...


The nice thing about WFH is that I can wear anything I want. The bad thing about WFH is also...
Create Lifestyle Moments

In a creative funk and how I cope

As a creative, I find myself in a funk more often than I want to admit. I question myself and...

Hearts day

We played some silly games at my church's Hearts Day banquet, and Ian and I won King and Queen of...

SESSIONS: Charity, Mee Rae, and Daniel

Sunset beach session with these bright eyed beauties, capturing two decades of Charity and Mee Rae's friendship.
Lifestyle Travel

The first taste of travel

I'm a pisces, and I guess one of the traits my star sign is known for is that pisces can...

Not cute

but this is real life hermit crab homebody vibes in pregnancy. I spent this entire day at home just eating,...

Tiny waves and long weekends

I have been craaaaving days like these - bright skies and clear waters. I'm always more appreciative when I'm out...

Lunch with mom and dad

Lunch date with mom and dad today. Aren't they the cutest? We get on each other's nerves sometimes, but I...
Create Journal

Creative Journal Log

Journal spread from this past weekend. I've been having so much fun doing these daily creative journals. See more of...

throwback to me and Ian on these steps to nowhere in Puerto Rico. Taken by Eli K.

Sessions: Mareike [moana/azul] – Part 3

Part 3 of the session with Mareike in all the shades of moana/azul. It was such a dream to shoot...
Photo Diaries

Tide Gauge

Took some photos of Ian installing a tide gauge in the Ofu lagoon. I love watching my man in action.
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Improve within by being outside

Some days, it's a struggle to do more than the minimum. But remind yourself that sometimes, that's exactly just what...