Daily dive

Apr 6, 2020Moments


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Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Sleepy sleepy

On Sunday morning, I felt so fatigued from the DIY project my husband and I started the day before; but...
Lifestyle Travel

DIVE LOG: Wreck Diving the USS Liberty in Tulamben, Bali

My week in Bali was coming to an end and with a hurried sense of adventure, we drove for 3...

Life Lately: Mid-September

Can you believe it's already mid-September?! I'm learning to live slow and focus myself on my priorities. This is my life...

Life Lately: Weekend Blurb

Weekend blurbs and random thoughts... Who sings this? Ian at Rose Atoll. I don't have my camera right now. Midnight...

A spring tide inundation in the backyard. June 2018.

Today's treats at Ruby Red Cafe... chia seed pudding and overnight oats topped with sooo much goodness! I'm here every...

Travel that I need

This isn't how I normally travel. I usually like to go places and see new things. But right now this...

One of those days


Hello Little Starling

Hanging out with a young Samoan Starling (Aplonis atrifusca) on our heads by the beach. Just another picture perfect evening...

How I started with sewing + a fabric haul

I'm still an amateur sewist, but I've always loved making clothes and I'm excited to try sewing more. Plus, a...

Pacific Roots Open Mic

Post open mic night pics with friends. January 2020 photos from Alafaga.

Bali Travel Diaries: Market visits and batik class

Rainy day in Ubud, walking to the art market, taking a batik master class with Wayanna Batik, and enjoying the...

umu smoke

this morning. you can tell it's a sunday because of the umu smoke.
Lifestyle Sustainable Living

17 ways I try to be a better human of the Earth, from home

Since I'm spending a lot of time at home these days, I wanted to share how I’ve adapted different sustainability...
Moments Photo Diaries

Sunset casa

The casa basking in the golden glow of sunset — my favorite time of day at home. No filter needed....
Lifestyle Moments

My home on the reef

My home on the reef. The tide was high and the sun was low in the horizon. One of those...
Create Lifestyle

My first canvas photo prints in the wild

I'm still buzzed about selling all these canvas pieces, and to get so much support from everyone has me stoked....
Photo Diaries

Quarantine Diaries: Sun and salt

Ian and I wanted to get out of the house and move our bodies. Ian picked up our paddle boards,...

Can you spot the kitty?

Love days like these
Create Sustainable Living

DIY Natural Lip Balm (Simple Recipe!)

A super simple DIY Lip Balm project that contains clean, honest-to-earth ingredients. And it works! I hope you try it...