Flight over Raiatea

Apr 30, 2020Moments

In-flight photos on the way to Raiatea, summer 2019


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Made Box Cushion Covers

Picked up this gray cotton patterned fabric from Manu'a store, and sewed these box cushion covers to update our second-hand...

Weekends Living LifeProof

Snaps of me and our pup Yodi in the Pala Lagoon a couple weekends ago, featuring my new LifeProof swag......

His feet are so cute. Look at those clean toenails. I wonder who his lady is lololol

Blue skies are back melting gray clouds away Warmth settling on my skin It's a brand new day   (Took...
Lifestyle Moments

Rainbow moments with Shivaun

Last weekend in the treehouse with this golden gal, Shivaun. Talking stories and laughing with rainbows, then running from dark...

Currently; Nostalgic

It's early... like, not even 8am early... and I don't usually get on my blog until later in the evenings...

LIFE: Scuba diving Hole in the Reef and travel plans

Scuba diving at Hole in the Reef, and my BCD broke!! Summer 2017 travel has been booked. And hosting travel...

Finally doing it

27 JAN 2016 It has been a goal of mine to create my own website for the past couple of years....

Yodi’s Waterfall Adventure

Yodi has always been comfortable in the water. Since she was a pup, she's grown up playing in the ocean....

Ian-credibly Blue

This lagoon and my hubbo looking sooo good in blue. Honeymoon Day 1 in Ofu

Me and Yodi girl rolling around cuddling; from two or three months ago?? I don't remember but I got a...
Photo Diaries

Tide Gauge

Took some photos of Ian installing a tide gauge in the Ofu lagoon. I love watching my man in action.


birthday boy brunch

for our special guy. Thanks to Georgia and Taylor for hosting us!  

Mt. Matafao. My current favorite landscape photo. Isn't it just so majestic?
Mood Board

Inspiration in the midst of chaos

Life has been busy, and there has been some moments of reprieve, surely. BUT it's about to get a lot...

Lifestyle Travel

Auckland Travel Journal

Three days of misadventures in Auckland with my photogenic fiance... Basically just a long layover until our next trip to...
Lifestyle Moments Photo Diaries

Moonrise Over the Ocean

The neighborhood dogs are howling into the night, echoing each other without a pause, as I walk over the freshly...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Quarantine Diaries: Saving money during coronavirus frenzy

The coronavirus is causing catastrophe across the world... on the vein of financial impacts, I’ve luckily been able to save...