Apr 30, 2020Moments

Ian made me soup and got me all cozied up in bed when I was sick a few weeks ago.


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My mind feels cloudy today. So today I will rest and take care of myself.

From tumblr to wordpress

I started blogging on Tumblr. I created a personal blog to post my photography and random public journals, and I...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Camping and Snorkeling at Fagalua

Underwater scenes from Fagalua in American Samoa. A photo journal from a Fagalua camping trip in January 2021. Still in...

summer memories

last summer with Gabby

Dawn One Day

A photo diary of one dawn morning when the sky's colors said more than I could
Moments Photo Diaries

Film strip moments today

Grateful to be working from home. The rain on the mountains. Officer Scruffles' all cozy. These film strip moments.
Lifestyle Moments

Why I started Moments

To bring back the good old Tumblr vibes. To record the little snippets of life. To keep me writing candidly...

June 3, 2019 - dinner at Sadies by the Sea with the gang. a tofā (farewell) dinner for our lovely...

Happy belated birthday to my sister, she is a role model and my best friend since birth! Love you so...
Culture Photography

2017 Samoana Jazz & Arts Festival

The 4th annual Samoana Jazz & Arts Festival in American Samoa. A 3-day annual music festival featuring local artists and...
Moments Photo Diaries


the hue of home

Just the occasional phone photo dump…

Here's a pano from my last night in Ofu. Trying to finish up all my Ofu posts so bear with...
Culture Lifestyle

How We Help Our Animals (The Fun Way)

Out of love and compassion for our animals, Coconut Mutts and a tribe of animal lovers got together for a...


really missing my little nuggets. I tear up a little whenever I facetime them and they run up yelling "Aunty...

kind of just want to go home and play in the studio

Cat out of the closet

Culture Photography

2016 Samoana Jazz and Arts Festival

I love jazz and brunch—two very exceptional things on one playlist. Last year at the Samoana Jazz and Arts Festival...

Adventures with Shivaun: Part 2

Part 2: Even though we live on a tiny island where road trips are not really a thing, it's still...
Culture Lifestyle Moments

Palolo in American Samoa 2019

Stayed up til 3am waiting for palolo at Fatumafuti. Some people got lucky but we left the shore with empty...