Dawn One Day

Oct 29, 2017Lifestyle


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Photo Journal: Family trip to Sedona and Grand Canyon

A late photo journal from my first weekend of vacation with the whole family in Arizona. A get together in...
Culture Lifestyle

Animal weekend

I never really considered myself an “animal person”. I've had pets before, but this weekend I worked with animals in...

mama and dada

I need to start taking myself seriously. A balancing act between passion and focus.
Meet Photography

French Pirates

Meet Diane and Louise. French pirates (not really really) and BFFs who are currently volunteering at the National Park of...
Lifestyle Moments Photo Diaries

Sunday Lazies

We are geezers, I'm tellin' ya! We went out to Flying Fox on Saturday night, and did some karaoke at...

Throwback to 2018, while aboard the Sea Casa for a pleasure cruise, thanks to Captain Connor. This landscape view of...

Do you ever get so excited to make sh** happen already?


The man of my dreams just turned 29 ✨ Love to love you, old man baby boy.
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

On Waking Up For Sunrise

A quick note to self that I have got to do this more often... I always feel so much better...

Daily dive


Lifestyle Moments

Rainbow moments with Shivaun

Last weekend in the treehouse with this golden gal, Shivaun. Talking stories and laughing with rainbows, then running from dark...

Naked produce bins!!

Pretty excited that Costuless finally implemented bins with loose produce, reducing plastic!
Mood Board

Mood Board

I'm starting a new category on my website, filed under "Mood Board", where I will be sharing things from around...

Stairs to Fagatele Bay, a beautiful and vibrant unit of the National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa.

"There has never been a sadness that can't be cured by breakfast foods." - Ron Swanson

my handsome fiance driving on the other side of the road
Journal Lifestyle Moments

Pondering on Paper

...outside in nature. I love soaking up the ambient sounds of home. I will forever love this backyard. * turn...
Culture Lifestyle Photography

Coastweeks entertainment: Utulei Taupou Manaia

Samoan entertainment at the annual Coast Weeks event in Utulei.