Photo Journal: Family trip to Sedona and Grand Canyon

Dec 31, 2019Lifestyle

A late photo journal from my first weekend of vacation with the whole family in Arizona.

After an entire day of traveling, I arrived in Phoenix late in the night, and my brother-in-law picked me up from the airport and drove us straight to Sedona, where the rest of my family was. My brother just graduated from Northern Arizona University, and to celebrate, my sister planned and hosted a weekend in a beautiful cabin in Sedona.

We drove up to the Grand Canyon the next day, where we marveled at this natural world wonder, witnessed a marriage proposal, and saw a massive condor! 

Back in Sedona, my sister gave us early Christmas gifts — matching flannel jammies! We all got warmed up around the fireplace where my brother was tending to the fire. We got some classic family photos, and played games pretty much all night. I’m so grateful for this time with family reunited for the holidays after something like 5 years apart, the celebration of my brother’s graduation, and especially for my sister who made sure we had a wonderful time.


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