Mar 11, 2022Moments

Throwback to 2018, while aboard the Sea Casa for a pleasure cruise, thanks to Captain Connor. This landscape view of Tutuila and the ocean glitter still makes me sigh happy sighs.


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Lifestyle Travel

Papapapaitai waterfall – Samoa photo journal

Driving up and over Cross Island Road in Upolu (Samoa), there's a vista that turns off the main road, and...

yay another weekend

Woohoo! Another restful weekend for me. It's only Saturday morning, and I'm just so happy to know the weekend is...


Yodi’s Waterfall Adventure

Yodi has always been comfortable in the water. Since she was a pup, she's grown up playing in the ocean....

My love my love



Cueva Ventana | Puerto Rico Travel Diary

Some photos I snapped while on a walking tour of Cueva Ventana, or "Window Cave" in Arecibo, Puerto Rico.
Create Lifestyle

Baking is bananas

I'm back to eating carbs! Been lowkey craving banana coffee cake, so this is my first time attempt at baking....
Create Culture

Making Siapo with Fa’aSamoa Arts

What is Siapo? Siapo is an ancient Samoan art form, similar to painting, but instead the canvas is called tapa...

what mondays feel like


Have Bag, Wish of Travel

It's been almost a whole year since the Coronavirus rocked entire countries, economies, communities, and industries. While I'm so happy...

This time last year

Our trip to Samoa. And in less than a week, we're going back!
Lifestyle Travel

Field of Lavender Dreams: NZ Road Trip Day 1

On the road on NYE embarking on a 5 day roaadtrip through sheep, mountains, glacial rivers, and my favorite--pockets of...

lovable moments in black and white. camping at Mt. Alava.
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Super Pink Moon

We waited in the water until dusk. The moon was expected to ascend from the horizon at 6:30pm. The tide...

Daily dive


Officer Scruffles hasn’t a care in the world

My furbaby. The older he gets, the more naps he takes. I kinda love it.

Currently; Nostalgic

It's early... like, not even 8am early... and I don't usually get on my blog until later in the evenings...

Sessions: Toafā Te‘o Grad Portraits

Quick snaps of this beauty, Toafā Te'o, back in May to commemorate her high school graduation. Congrats Toafā!

Birds in the rain

Pics from watching birds in the backyard with an incoming squall. This is what today feels like.