Nov 15, 2022Moments

“There has never been a sadness that can’t be cured by breakfast foods.”

– Ron Swanson


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I need to start taking myself seriously. A balancing act between passion and focus.
Lifestyle Travel

Snorkeling at To’aga Beach | Ofu Photo Journal

We made it! - arrived on the only flight of the week to Ofu, Manu'a! Snorkeling at the incredible To'aga...

new (love) couch

love seat. lovingggg our new couch, and on each other. if this is adulting, i am here for it.

Liuasi and Sima

Blabbing to unwind for a little bit

Ah what a lovely weekend it has been. Finally got to really relax the last couple of days - getting...


Lifestyle Moments Photo Diaries

Life Lately: a lengthy one, but a good one

Six years with my soon-to-be-husband, new camera lens, work work work, making my own clothes, Ian's new board rack, and...

Picking tahitian limes and riding in the back of the truck by our campsite.Life is guud.
Lifestyle Travel

Field of Lavender Dreams: NZ Road Trip Day 1

On the road on NYE embarking on a 5 day roaadtrip through sheep, mountains, glacial rivers, and my favorite--pockets of...

Friday Feelings: SUP and a Confession

Friday feelings are a thing. Solo SUP after work to ponder over the water, and other thoughts that make me...

Glowing with gratitude

Pink and blue dusky skies fill the air, while words of gratitude melt in my mouth like a treat and...

It's the heart in the sky for me.
Lifestyle Photo Diaries Photography Travel

Dive Log: Amalau Bay (Left side)

Amalau Bay dive log... probably one of the best spots for scuba diving in American Samoa. Giant corals, thriving ecosystem;...

I love my family, and I love that my family loves each other đź’ž


Scenes from the 2019 AS Flag Day Parade | PART 2

Photo journal of scenes from the American Samoa Flag Day parade on April 17, 2019 at the Tafuna Veteran’s Memorial...

I want to get better at photo journaling on my website rather than just ig so sorry for the photo...


The man of my dreams just turned 29 ✨ Love to love you, old man baby boy.

yay another weekend

Woohoo! Another restful weekend for me. It's only Saturday morning, and I'm just so happy to know the weekend is...