Nov 30, 2022Moments

mama and dada


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Yay We Got Vaccinated!

So so so grateful for our Department of Health for rolling out the vaccines so quickly, smoothly, and efficiently, and...

Having the best night

I love feeling like I'm falling in love all over again. Ian's been extra sweet on me these last few...

Babbling: Almost 25

I turn 25 in a month and I’m scrambling to cross off some personal goals one by one that I wrote...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Coming out of quarantine, social distancing still

We are officially done with our mandatory 14-day medical home quarantine! We can finally leave the house, still remaining socially...

Meet: Mikah Meyer

Meet Mikah Meyer. A double world-record holder for being the youngest person to visit all 417 US national parks in...

I knocked out while ian did the laundry and brought all the warm clothes from the dryer and dropped it...


The nice thing about WFH is that I can wear anything I want. The bad thing about WFH is also...
Journal Moments

Snaps: Aunu`u

Green and blue scenes around Aunu`u island. Snapped while on a work site visit in August 2019.

Conus litteratus

She lives and loves by the ocean, carefully choosing her treasures amongst all the pretty things nature has forged with...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Improve within by being outside

Some days, it's a struggle to do more than the minimum. But remind yourself that sometimes, that's exactly just what...

Went diving this weekend

And so cool because at 72 minutes, it was my longest dive yet! We went with Hanae and JB (his...

Brown leaves

Is my vibe these days

Morning coffee on the At Last


Stickers are here! And so is the online shop!

For the last two weeks, I've been busy working on another part of my website: setting up an online shop...

Chill spicy poke lunch and reading setup on the back balcony. I've been seriously underutilizing this space.

Afternoon Moon


Throwback to 2018, while aboard the Sea Casa for a pleasure cruise, thanks to Captain Connor. This landscape view of...
Lifestyle Travel

Field of Lavender Dreams: NZ Road Trip Day 1

On the road on NYE embarking on a 5 day roaadtrip through sheep, mountains, glacial rivers, and my favorite--pockets of...
Journal Lifestyle

Journal 9/52: Childhood Memories

Reminiscing on childhood memories really make you appreciative of where you are in life and what it took to get...
Lifestyle Moments

Rainbow moments with Shivaun

Last weekend in the treehouse with this golden gal, Shivaun. Talking stories and laughing with rainbows, then running from dark...