Aug 25, 2019Moments

Snorkeling with Yodi


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Lifestyle Moments

My home on the reef

My home on the reef. The tide was high and the sun was low in the horizon. One of those...
Create Lifestyle

5 Ways to Power Through a Creative Slump

I've been in a creative rut lately, so I’m working on getting my motivation up while setting my mind to...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Us at P.R.O.M.

Cutie couples pics to celebrate each other and all the amazing talent that will grace the stage.

mom and dad 💗
Lifestyle Travel

EV Nautilus Photo Journal Pt. 2 | Deep Sea Exploration in American Samoa

Part 2 of my photo journal on the E/V Nautilus research cruise in American Samoa. Deep sea science, remotely operated...
Lifestyle Moments


A love note to myself and my BODY about confidence. Hey girl, heyyy! You look good... REAL good... (read more)

Sunset picnic at the park in Raiatea

Our first night in Raiatea. We had just flown in, got a car rental, checked in to our homestay, got...
Culture Lifestyle Travel

Photo Diary: Aunu’u Getaway

Aunu’u is a quiet little island just 15 minutes away by ‘alia. Thank you to Peter Taliva'a for welcoming us...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Throwback – Christmas Day Paddle

Logging this one here for the mems. Christmas day paddling all around the front beach and out past the reef...

hi hello how are you
Moments Photo Diaries

friday evening in 10 seconds


Babbling: Almost 25

I turn 25 in a month and I’m scrambling to cross off some personal goals one by one that I wrote...

yesterday we went out on the boat for the annual whale surveys conducted by Dr. Jooke and Dave Mattila. Unfortunately...

Journal 2/52: My Home (and a floor plan)

When I think of home... Home is one of those words that have multiple meanings for me. I think of...

Life Lately: I revamped my site / in a creative rut

Changed things up on my site, working through a creative rut, and a quick sustainability update. Not much, but this...
Lifestyle Travel

Field of Lavender Dreams: NZ Road Trip Day 1

On the road on NYE embarking on a 5 day roaadtrip through sheep, mountains, glacial rivers, and my favorite--pockets of...
Lifestyle Moments

Life Lately: A Roundup Reel + Get In My Headspace

Hi hello how are ya — I shared this round up reel on instagram which pretty much highlights my entire...
Lifestyle Travel

Lunch at Alcove Cafe

12.26.2021 — The sun finally came out in Los Angeles. We went for a long walk down to Ventura Boulevard...
Create Lifestyle Moments

Belt or no belt?

To belt or not to belt? That is the question... Played around with poses and it's kinda feeling like a...
Lifestyle Photography

In Loving Memory of Leanne Ferrer

An intimate gathering Fatu Ma Futi beach, in loving memory of Leanne Ferrer —who gave voice to pasefika peoples through...