Just the occasional phone photo dump…

Jan 28, 2019Moments

Here’s a pano from my last night in Ofu.

Trying to finish up all my Ofu posts so bear with me 🐻 😉


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desert palms + desert rain

still not used to this — I sometimes wish I was back home in the comfort of my coconut trees...
Lifestyle Travel

OdySea Aquarium + Butterfly Wonderland

Just like me, my nephew is enamored with fish. We spent the day at the OdySea Aquarium and Butterfly Wonderland...


New Monday, back to the grind. Feeling a bit more "me" in my workspace.

The day that my GIYS video went live on Facebook and I co-hosted the live screening and Q&A on GoToWebinar......

Oh Starry Night

Something so serene about lying in the dark looking up at nature's night lights... We laid in the back of...
Lifestyle Travel

Coronavirus and travel to American Samoa (updated)

UPDATED March 9, 2020 YAY they updated the travel advisory yesterday!!! No more mandatory 14-day quarantine in Hawai`i from the...

The trash we picked up on the beach and along the way back. Excited for another year taking on the...
Mood Board

You are the greatest project you will ever work on

I put this lil mood board together when I was in a funk about a month ago. I clearly haven't...

Take action today


We chartered a sailboat in French Polynesia!

We've been waiting for this vacation all year. Actually since last year! Traveling French Polynesia is way better on a...

My mind feels cloudy today. So today I will rest and take care of myself.
Lifestyle Moments

Last night at home for a while

In 24 hours I'll be on a plane... Up up and away from home after 2 years since COVID canceled...

Sun Safe Selfie

My friend Traci does social media for the AS Cancer Coalition and for the month of May, she has a...
Photo Diaries

Just what I needed

This was an emotionally funky day for me. We filled a bag with blankets, books, chips and dips, fresh cold...
Create Sustainable Living

Upcycling scrap fabric for closet portière

Now that our home office is set up, I wanted to hide all our junk in the closet, so I...

Adventures with Shivaun: Part 1

Part 1: Spontaneously decided to take a drive around the island in the back of the truck… because if you...
Lifestyle Motherhood Photo Diaries

Coconut Point sunrise with Alava

It felt so good to be back home. Everything was just as it was. Except it wasn't. Same same but...

Not cute

but this is real life hermit crab homebody vibes in pregnancy. I spent this entire day at home just eating,...

la best fren's first time checking out our outdoor shower. We spent our work lunch hour going for a dip......

Breakfast in Bed

I am definitely the luckiest woman — my husband surprised me with an early Valentine's day breakfast in bed! 🥰🥰🥰...