Sep 17, 2019Moments

Safe travels, mom and dad! Love you both so much.

How cute are my parents, on their way to Myanmar for a conference? #travelbuddies


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Journal Moments

Where I Get It From (Mom and Dad)

Now that I'm moderately older—nearly 30, wow—I can see it more clearly.  The small things that add up. The parts...

Some people are exhausting. Really taking notice of how much I’m enjoying my time in isolation.
Photo Diaries

Retrieving Data Sensors in Ofu with NPS

Sensor retrieval in the Ofu Lagoon with my husband, Ranger Moffitt :) He did all the work while I snorkeled...

Climate Change is not just an issue that is happening to us, it’s happening because of us. 

Happy belated birthday to my sister, she is a role model and my best friend since birth! Love you so...

pool day for Ian. Just him though because it’s much too cold for regular non-polar bear people lol
Lifestyle Wedding

We toured 7 wedding venues in Samoa. Which should I choose?!

Ooh, look at me blogging about wedding planning! I'm surprisingly really enjoying the process so far. But now to choose...

My mind feels cloudy today. So today I will rest and take care of myself.

Always a classic.

kinda gives me the heebie jeebies!

Adventures with Shivaun: Part 2

Part 2: Even though we live on a tiny island where road trips are not really a thing, it's still...

Throwback to 2018, while aboard the Sea Casa for a pleasure cruise, thanks to Captain Connor. This landscape view of...

beaming babes from back in January during the gov shutdown
Culture Lifestyle Photography

Fagatogo Fish Market – Street Photography

I braved the stares from strangers and brought my camera with me on errands... first stop, the Fagatogo Fish Market!

Journal 2/52: My Home (and a floor plan)

When I think of home... Home is one of those words that have multiple meanings for me. I think of...
Mood Board

Mood Board

I'm starting a new category on my website, filed under "Mood Board", where I will be sharing things from around...

Swimming in the rain

A couple of weeks ago, swimming in the rain with Gabby. It was nipply cold!

Sunset streaming in through the front door, and a hungry Officer Scruffles meowing for dinner to be served. July 27,...

Processed with VSCO with s3 preset

SESSIONS: Kelley & Alden (+1) almost there

Another session with Kelley and Alden. This glowing mom-to-be is due to give birth any day now, and she's making...