Motu Mahaea (Taha’a): French Polynesia Photo Journals

Sep 16, 2019Moments, Travel

Motu Mahaea

[ Photo Journal – 01 July 2019 ] 

This idyllic motu (island) just off Taha’a. We sailed there and anchored in the shallow sandbar for the night. We avoided having to pay the day fee by taking our dinghy out and anchoring it in the sand, then snorkeling and kayaking around. The mara’amu was blowing mighty strong and the current made staying in one place difficult so we drifted back to the lee of this tiny motu. Polly saw a stingray! And then we dinghied back while Rick kayaked back to our floating home. Everyone on the island paddled back to land before dark, and a local man wandered over and mumbled some stuff we didn’t understand. We asked him if we could anchor there, and he nodded his head, mumbled some more I think, and then paddled back to Taha’a too. I remember thinking that I wanted us to move anchorage, but Captain Rick made the executive decision to stay the night. I recall getting super seasick on this night, but I also recall the food we made for dinner being epic, and how it felt eerie and serene, not having anyone anchor there. 


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