TLDR: Late night babbling

Oct 1, 2020Journal, Lifestyle, Moments

Well HELLO to anyone visiting my corner of the interwebs!

It’s been a hot hot minute since I’ve gotten a chance to catch up with you online and share some of my recent photos. Time often seems to escape me, as per usual.

I’m up late again, listening to lofi love jams, sipping on an old pasta jar filled with good ol’ delicious water, and simply cruising the internet. I don’t want to think too hard about what to post because I’ve been doing that every day this week and look how that turned out — I ended up never posting anything because it feels like too much of a time commitment to get all my photos organized and uploaded, and a thoughtful post written out. I do have a ton of wonderful photo journals I want to share from my recent trip to Ofu, Manu’a though, so do look out for those to come!

I looked over at my traveler’s notebook journal laying open with a spread full of various to-do lists for the upcoming days. I try not to think about the growing list and take another sip of water. I’m actually in between editing photos of some photo canvases I had printed and hope to sell at the Pacific Roots Open Mic Showcase event this weekend, and toggling way too many Chrome tabs for wedding planning inspo…

Yup, it’s that season again. Time for me to start thinking about what the heck is going on with our betrothals. As bummed as I was that we had to postpone our wedding, I like that I have another opportunity to get excited about my wedding, albeit with caveats to accommodate the uncertainty of basically the entire world right now. It’s a crazy time we live in… strike that, it’s a dicey time we live in! Sorry about that; I’m trying to cut the word “crazy” from my language when referring to situations or current events by using language that is more accurately descriptive of what I’m referring to and does not refer to a deranged mental state, given the mental health crisis we are facing around the world and even in American Samoa. Anyway, I digress.

Something new and exciting that I do want to mention briefly here is that I got my illustrated stickers in the mail! Many many thanks to Polly for forwarding the package to me since the price of shipping directly from the manufacturer to American Samoa was exorbitant. I haven’t taken any photos or really done anything with the stickers yet except label them. I have that feeling like when you get a brand new notebook and you’re too intimidated by the blank page, and you want to keep it new but you want to use it… y’know what I’m saying? Maybe not, but it’s an exciting feeling and I am going to try to break the pack in by sticking some on my new reusable water bottle or on my phone. I want to sell them here on my website too, so gotta take photos of them soon and hope to open up shop like I’ve been dreaming of for quite a while.

Well clearly, it’s late here. I find myself getting more and more tangential as I type on in the wee hours of the night.

If you’re still reading, wow, thank you for being here. Feel free to visit more often, or send me a quick note in the comments because I would honestly love that so much. Blogging is so different than other social media platforms like facebook, instagram, or twitter. I love getting on here and just feeling at home on my own website, just minding my own business… but it’s also nice to get some interaction once in a while. Again, more blah blah blah from me… thank you for stopping by. Have a wonderful day wherever you are.

Also, no photo journal here (I’m unfortunately past my capacity right now), but here are a few photos I snapped a couple months ago at Fagatele Bay while I was filming for our Get Into Your Sanctuary video campaign. Enjoy.

“hug hug, kiss kiss, hug hug, big kiss, little hug, kiss kiss, little kiss”


  1. aysabaw

    It’s really a dicey time we live in. Good luck with your wedding planning! As usual, great photos!

    • nerelle

      For true… just gotta be grateful for each day. Thank you so much!! <3

      Sending you lots of good vibes,


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