May 17, 2019Moments

just a random-nothing-super-special photo of my room window sill, except I kinda love everything on there so it’s pretty special


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Vibin’ out to my e-book


A Technicolor Camp Night

The night lit by campfire, glow sticks, and the light in our eyes; coconut crabs and dancing children; cozy tents,...

Sailing Sea Casa with friends

Hanging out with Connor Jackson (SV Sea Casa) and a few friends this weekend for a day sail on the...

A throwback to January 1st, 2018. Waking up at Matareva Beach Fale.


Clothing swaps are a fun way to reduce, reuse and recycle! We all got together for a yummy mix of breakfast...

Photo Journal: Aqua Family

A sunny afternoon at Coconut Point with the whole gang, my aqua family.
Mood Board

You are the greatest project you will ever work on

I put this lil mood board together when I was in a funk about a month ago. I clearly haven't...
Culture Lifestyle

First Friday at the Fagatogo Market

Photos at Fagatogo Marketplace for March's First Friday. I brought Sutton (my camera) along because I've been feeling motivated to...

sleepy animals


Adventures with Shivaun: Part 1

Part 1: Spontaneously decided to take a drive around the island in the back of the truck… because if you...

Sailing in Oxnard, California

Rick chartered a 34' sailboat called the SV Emmanuel. We started at the Channel Islands Harbor marina, and I got...

Last weekend high tide fun
Journal Lifestyle

Journal 7/52: What I’m Stressed About

It’s the beginning of a New Year, so there are loads of pressures that come with change and a new...
Lifestyle Travel

Scenes around Vaoto Lodge: Ofu Photo Journal

Welcome to a photo journal that depicts my experience at Vaoto Lodge. Between family, friends, and strangers, Vaoto Lodge is...

Old journals

They make me feel so many emotions. Emotions that I didn't even realize I felt at the time of writing...

Labadan Wedding

A short and sweet wedding. The bride and groom are now happily married with a baby on the way. Congratulations...

desert palms + desert rain

still not used to this — I sometimes wish I was back home in the comfort of my coconut trees...

The Treehouse

Where Ian and I first met, where we live, and where we got married. Feeling so much love.

Playing around with lighting and colors in post. Photos from this moody evening.

What a lovely thing it is to write freely and without consequence