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Jun 24, 2020Moments


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Old journals

They make me feel so many emotions. Emotions that I didn't even realize I felt at the time of writing...

7 Ways to Improve Your Quality of Life

I am all about improving my quality of life. Ask me what my goals are in life? I’ll say I...
Lifestyle Travel

In between moments | Samoa Travel Diaries

A hop and a skip to the island we've decided we're getting married at. It was a busy trip, but...
Culture Lifestyle Photography

Let’s Jazz Things Up

It's that time of the year again. Early November means Jazz Festival in American Samoa, and another year as the...

Date night ready


Hearts day

We played some silly games at my church's Hearts Day banquet, and Ian and I won King and Queen of...
Journal Lifestyle

Journal 9/52: Childhood Memories

Reminiscing on childhood memories really make you appreciative of where you are in life and what it took to get...
Moments Photo Diaries

Nu‘uuli waterfall

Wandered off and hung out the entire afternoon by the waterfall, did an impromptu photo shoot and got Chinese takeout...

Dive Log: Amalau Bay

Photo log of my first fun dive of the year at Amalau Bay, American Samoa! Giant porites coral, 5 ft...

No place…

Like home. Walking back home from a morning swim. Happy Friday!
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Calm before the storm

This was the calm before the storm... but the storm never came. Thank God! We enjoyed a really pretty sunset.

Whether the Weather

There's a storm brewing this week. We're hunkering down to wait out this monsoonal trough and moved our plants indoors....

Life Lately: Mid-September

Can you believe it's already mid-September?! I'm learning to live slow and focus myself on my priorities. This is my life...

Ian made me soup and got me all cozied up in bed when I was sick a few weeks ago.
Meet Photography

French Pirates

Meet Diane and Louise. French pirates (not really really) and BFFs who are currently volunteering at the National Park of...


The nice thing about WFH is that I can wear anything I want. The bad thing about WFH is also...

Viejo San Juan at Dawn | Travel Diary

We slept late the night before, dancing the merengue--or at least trying to, but having a blast on the town...
Lifestyle Travel

Field of Lavender Dreams: NZ Road Trip Day 1

On the road on NYE embarking on a 5 day roaadtrip through sheep, mountains, glacial rivers, and my favorite--pockets of...

Got all these beautiful LifeProof goodies on the mail, and a radddd backpack!! So so stoked
Create Sustainable Living

Easy DIY Natural Wood Butter

Keep your wood cutting boards, bowls and utensils buttery smooth with just 3 natural ingredients for an easy eco-friendly wood...