Fam in jammies, a Christmas Eve photo journal

Fam in jammies, a Christmas Eve photo journal

Christmas Eve 2019

We wore our matching jammies, listened to Christmas tunes, prepped a huge feast, and gathered together around the dinner table for Christmas Eve.

Beyond the lights, the decorations, the music, and the presents, it’s FAMILY that makes this day so special to me.

Some random thoughts and gratitudes about this:

My brother drove in from Flagstaff in a crazy near blizzard, and he just graduated from college AND just started a new job immediately after graduating so it was so so good to have him with us.

I haven’t spent a Christmas with my siblings and parents all together like this in I think 5 years.

My sister’s in-laws are my family too.

This was also my first holiday spent with my nephew and niece, and I feel like Christmas is way more festive with little kids! They made me feel like a kid again too.

And having my fiance there too, it’s like having my whole heart in one place all together.

We actually opened all the presents under the tree before 9pm on Christmas Eve! It started with “only one present after dinner” rule and then of course, we lose our restraints and soon the kids are stacking up their presents to open and everyone is laughing and having the best time. Merry Christmas from me and my family to you and yours!

Thank you for being a part of my journey.


Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE
Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE
Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE
Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE
Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE
Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE
Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE
Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE
Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE
Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE
Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE
Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE
Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE
Beach camping American Samoa | Nerelle.com
Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE
Beach camping American Samoa | Nerelle.com
Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE
Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE
Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE
Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE
Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE
Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE
Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE
Beach camping American Samoa | Nerelle.com
Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE
Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE
Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE
Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE
Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE
Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE
Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE
Fam in Jammies, Christmas Eve Photo Journal - NERELLE

Excerpts from a Chill Christmas Eve

Excerpts from a Chill Christmas Eve

An excerpt of my Christmas Eve photo diary.

Breakfast. Ian took the moto out to buy bread while I fried some eggs.

The north wind on the porch has been so refreshing.

Opened our second to last advent gifts. Snazzy speaker for me and Surf trip for Ian.

Tidied up the house, and Ian worked on my car.

Went SUPing past the reef and saw 7 turtles. 7 wishes.

Yodi swam out with us. Such a beautiful calm day. I got a tan.

Last minute groceries and gift wrapping.

Church Christmas service, games, and filipino food. Mom and dad are back.

Home by midnight, and obligatory family photo.

zZz, see you tomorrow!

Journal 5/52: Quote to Live By

Journal 5/52: Quote to Live By

Journal #5: A Quote to Live By



These four words have resonated with me for nearly 5 years, and it continues to do so. It’s the lens I look from whenever I find myself in a new environment. It’s my refresh button when I feel tired of the routines, the nine to five, stagnant energy, even the weather. I have so much to be thankful for, and I count my blessings every day.

Today is Christmas Eve and it’s a beautiful day. My heart is overflowing with love today, and I am excited to spend the day with my loved ones. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas, and so very soon, a Happy New Year!
