The Boat Ride from Ofu to Ta’u, American Samoa

The Boat Ride from Ofu to Ta’u, American Samoa

From my trip to Ofu in January.

Early morning boat ride from Ofu to Ta’u. Big thanks to Ben for helping set me up with getting across and getting from the wharf to the airport. It was an epic boat ride… the lightening of the sky, soft ripples on the water, dew on the boat’s windows, fleeting view of dolphins, birds soaring past us, and of course the mountains bidding tofā and talofa.


Birds in the rain

Birds in the rain

Pics from watching birds in the backyard with an incoming squall. This is what today feels like.

You learn something new every day, and today I learned that there’s a compass on my iPhone.

We’re hunkering down yet again for another bout of crummy weather, and it’s absolutely relevant which direction the wind and rain is gonna be coming from. Our window panes suck. But having a meteorologist friend is pretty cool.


Snorkeling in Ofu | Part 3

Snorkeling in Ofu | Part 3

A late addition, but I almost completely forgot about these photos I snapped on my last day in Ofu. Taken Jan 8, 2019, on a Canon G7X with housing, while snorkeling in the To’aga lagoon.

My favorite fish

Testing out the camera settings / say hi to Rick and Polly!

Two fish out of water 😉

Porites coral

Acanthurus lineatus

Abudefduf sexfasciatus over porites coral

Fungia coral polyp

Fungia coral polyp

Fungia coral polyp

Cephalopholis argus

Cephalopholis argus

Abudefduf sexfasciatus

Chrysiptera biocellata

Chrysiptera biocellata

Chaetodon citrinellus

Chaetodon citrinellus

Chaetodon citrinellus

Chaetodon citrinellus

More snorkeling / fish photos here and here.