Sep 11, 2019Moments

Dinner on the SV Robert C. Seaman with Captain Cassie


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Journal Moments

Coconut Cottage

Puerto Rico rules

Naked produce bins!!

Pretty excited that Costuless finally implemented bins with loose produce, reducing plastic!
Photo Diaries

Tide Gauge

Took some photos of Ian installing a tide gauge in the Ofu lagoon. I love watching my man in action.
Moments Photo Diaries

Double Rainbows

More living in the present, while still documenting and appreciating the journey along the way. This one makes me smile...

Having the best night

I love feeling like I'm falling in love all over again. Ian's been extra sweet on me these last few...
Journal Lifestyle Moments

TLDR: Late night babbling

Not that you asked, but up late again, listening to lofi jams, sipping on water, cruising the internet, and babbling...
Create Lifestyle Wedding

Homemade Wedding Table (Progress Pics)

In the weeks leading up to our mini home wedding, we decided to DIY this 10-foot wooden table for our...
Lifestyle Moments Photo Diaries

Moonrise Over the Ocean

The neighborhood dogs are howling into the night, echoing each other without a pause, as I walk over the freshly...
Photo Diaries

Scruff in the yellow sun

Some pics I took one evening in October while Officer Scruffles sat perched on the railing looking like a cute...

 At Last party. Last Saturday.
Lifestyle Moments Photo Diaries

Up Late, Good Night Moon

Everyone’s asleep but me, and I just saw the moon going to bed behind the mountain too. It was beautiful....
Photo Diaries Travel

Escape to Ofu-Olosega Travel diaries pt. 1

I'd been home on Tutuila for six months straight, and loving it, to be quite honest. But I was itching...

Today's treats at Ruby Red Cafe... chia seed pudding and overnight oats topped with sooo much goodness! I'm here every...

Fun “Office” Day at Fagatele Bay

A fun "office" day at Fagatele Bay with the NMSAS science team. I absoltely love when I'm able to get...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

A little sick but not worried

It's been a whole month since I started home quarantining, and I'm very relieved that we still do not have...
Culture Lifestyle Photography

Around Pago Plaza – Street Photography

The next stop on Gabby's errands was a visit to Pago Plaza. I snapped these photos, and actually I love...
Create Lifestyle

4 easy tips for a sustainable home

A sustainable lifestly starts at home. These are just four little changes you can make at home that help reduce...
Create Lifestyle

Photo Journal: I made a duvet cover!

Last weekend, I mustered up all my creative energy and patience and got to work behind my sewing machine to make...

Some days are extra guud


Valentine’s Morning

He tried to surprise me with breakfast in bed but I woke up early lol. What a lovely way to...