Oct 6, 2019Moments


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Off to the beach with my new diy raffia tote bag
Journal Lifestyle

Journal 10/52: How I See the World

A difficult question because my exposure to the world is limited by my geography, lifestyle, and environment. My view of...

yay another weekend

Woohoo! Another restful weekend for me. It's only Saturday morning, and I'm just so happy to know the weekend is...

Summer’s coming

The tradewinds are calming down. It's bittersweet knowing that summer is on its way. I'll miss the breeze but I...
Meet Photography

MEET Amélie

A curious French girl with a passion for the sea, shares her #islandlife experience, and her favorite parts of living...
Journal Lifestyle Moments

Yes I’m still here!

Ahh yellowww... hi there. I know I've been M.I.A. for a while, but I'm still here! It's been a long...
Journal Moments

Snaps: Aunu`u

Green and blue scenes around Aunu`u island. Snapped while on a work site visit in August 2019.
Moments Photo Diaries

Film strip moments today

Grateful to be working from home. The rain on the mountains. Officer Scruffles' all cozy. These film strip moments.
Lifestyle Travel

Field of Lavender Dreams: NZ Road Trip Day 1

On the road on NYE embarking on a 5 day roaadtrip through sheep, mountains, glacial rivers, and my favorite--pockets of...

caught off guard - I don't even remember why we were out this night lol

sabrina's birthday game night gang

The cutest package came in from Love Audry Rose.

Pacific Roots Open Mic

Post open mic night pics with friends. January 2020 photos from Alafaga.
Create Moments

Design Your Future event

A few weeks ago, a friend invited me to join a "Design Your Future" event. At first I had no...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

On Waking Up For Sunrise

A quick note to self that I have got to do this more often... I always feel so much better...

LeMax Co. Grand Opening

LeMax Co. is a newly established shop locally owned by the Malauulu / Misipeka family. After some time of planning...

Treehouse reads

I just want to spend my entire day here


Details from Ian's barong, made just for him.

Merry Christmas ya filthy animals!

Culture Lifestyle

Surf Session Post Cyclone Gita

A calm little sunset session. The boys surfing at Pua Trees a couple of days after Cyclone Gita.